Planting Seeds?

I’ve been battling with the media within myself since I came to Christ. Media is my passion it’s my desire. It was my idol worship when I was not in the kingdom. I really struggled and continue to struggle with it. Trey Songz has this great song. Production, vocal arrangement and the composition are incredible. I truly can not deny it. However, the question is what seeds are being planted. Is it just music? I/we desire marriages that are healthy and monogamous until death do us part are we planting seeds of infidelity when listening to certain music?

Trey Songz- Last Time (2007)

‘Cause if she catch me with you
(she gon’ kill us).
These hotel rooms is lookin’ too familiar.
Your love is so, so serious.
Girl you keep me comin’ …back, back that is,
I be with her thinkin of you.
I be with you thinkin of her, my boo.
She just don’t deserve this,
ain’t nobody perfect,
but I just can’t take no more cuz[Chorus]
I’m livin’ two different lives,
one girl in the day, you at night.
And even though this ain’t right,
I just can’t get enough of the way you put it down.
You really got me trippin’
hold up baby girl don’t talk, just listen.
Let’s just make love,
girl for the last time.
Yup, I said the last time,
Girl this is the last time,
all caught up.
And it’s time to put it down.
You really got me trippin’
hold up baby girl just listen,
this is the last time.

Am I A True Bond Servant?

So I have been doing a lot of self examination. Questioning where I am personally in the faith. Like Da Truth said, “I am older in the faith now outgrown baby gap”. It is so true but I find myself struggling with the same stuff now and it really ticks me off. So I pray, I fast, I read, I confess etc. and I get this great surge and then weeks later it comes back. It’s really an internal struggle but I am learning how to resist it and let the enemy flee. I find that we often hold onto things because its comfortable and many times people relate to it.

I have been meditating on Romans 1:1. I have ventured out to study Roman’s line by line with another sister and it is proving to be fruitful. So check this, Paul states, “ Paul, a servant of Christ Jesus, called to be an apostle, set apart for the gospel of God”.

When we read many of the epistles we realize that Paul identifies his name, purpose and calling before continuing to say what he has to say. At first I was meditating on being a servant. Am I really a servant of Jesus Christ or someone who just calls His name and uses Him when it is convenient.

When people think of a servant they think of slaves or people who work in hospitality. That person is under the authority of another. They have transferred their will and power to another. Paul was saying, “I am a bond servant of Jesus Christ”. So today I tell you. I am a bond servant of Jesus Christ. I am a slave to Christ.

We have such a warped view of slavery because of the horror’s that have occurred through out the world. More specially in the United States in the name of Christ. Yes, many of them took the Bible out of context. No, not all slavery was justified according to the Bible that was only one side. This should not stop us from being bond servants (slaves) to Christ. He is a great Master and God is a great Father.

So I ask myself, “Christina Faith, How are you serving? Am I set apart?” Are you?

Good book to check out Improving Your Serve by Charles Swindol

*This post was written in the summer. I am just getting around to posting it 🙂

Have you seen her? by Daniel Unger

I’ve spent the years searching for her, making many mistakes~
False discoveries and soul ties, no longer can I risk take…
I’ve realized that my own emotions betray me~
Blinding my eyes, motioning to slay me…
No, I’m not crazy, but often in a confused state~
Like a homeless wino passing up an unused plate…
Of food, yes I am on the hunt for my missing rib~
Entering a journey where almost every Christian slips…
Listening to the soft still voice amidst all the distraction~
Following God and learning to stay in His traction…
Yes, He’s tracking the one whom I seek in due time~
But how will I recognize this one whose mine?…
So I ask Him to let her character of Godliness be revealed~
Now in this time of peace, my eyes’ scales are seen pealed…
I finally understand the qualities that I’ve been searching for~
A woman who considers the things of this world worthless scorn…
From the earth is formed a woman of love, joy, and gentleness~
Her goodness and faith show what sentimental is…
Not legalistic but she knows that all things aren’t expedient~
Willing to put off desires that are immediate…
She’d rather provide remediate for a depraved land~
Seeking to please the Lord and free slaved man…
She rejects the passions of this downtrodden society~
From sex, money, to fashion, she’s not down, but plod in propriety…
Ignored by most because she doesn’t follow the world’s trends~
She may not show it but there’s no end to this girl’s ends…
Treasure stored in heaven, consider her a diamond in the rough~
Woman of umatched virtue, shining in the tough-est…
Of circumstances, not excessive, rather modest in appearance~
But flawless in character because it’s God she’s adhering…
Mirrored in Christ’s image with a desire for holiness~
Avoids that which appears evil, her form is only His…
Careful in talk, she only speaks that which is edifying~
Telling truth even when it hurts instead of lying…
Submissive to her husband and regards his decisions~
And when he is fumbling, she guards and convicts him…
She has conviction to continually die to self~
Leave pride and wealth and putting “I” on shelf…
A lost diamond that’s perfect cut but not lavish either~
So I gotta ask… have you seen her?…

I thank you Lord for having revealed your standard of a wife to me and the specific characteristics and attributes that she will have. I realize that part of the reason as to why I have gotten caught up in premature emotional attachments is because I didn’t have a set standard layed out as to whom my wife should be. Now I will be careful and gentle with each diamond that comes my way, that represents my sisters in Christ by being obedient to God and the boundaries which He has set in place. I know that through observing the facets of your diamonds from a friendship level then you will reveal whom my wife is and I will not attach myself to another diamond that may look pretty, gleaming real nice, but is not the one which will give You ultimate glory. In all of this Lord, you know the desires of my heart to have a Godly marriage which is a ministry unto others and I trust and thank you for Your will having already been accomplished. In Jesus name. Amen

Daniel Unger

When Loves In View

This weekend I had the opportunity of “sitting at the feet” of one of the greatest teachers on leadership that I currently know. His name is Dr. Conway Edwards. He is a dynamic leader, pastor and teacher. I just wanted to let you all in on a great resource. He and his wife (Jada Edwards) wrote a book that blessed me “SO”. It truly sobered me up in regards to relationships and it also serves as a reminder in the back of my head “not to be anxious for anything” including marriage. 🙂 This book consistently reminds me of what my role in courtship is 🙂

How comfortable am I with the world?

So yesterday I stood in the Apple line for 3 hours. I Had some good conversation and I was able to witness.

I’ve been reading this book by Steve Gallagher called Intoxicated With Babylon and it has been making me very aware of how intoxicated with the world I still am.

If there are only two sides why do we try to live on both when it’s impossible?I am now encouraged to take a deeper look into my life and see where I am falling prey to the enemies sweet false aroma.


Heart Check!

Have you ever wondered if a male or female had the same attraction to you as you have to them? Are you creating in your own mind emotional relationships that lead to marriage or union in dating that only you know and a select few know about? Are you focused more on those thoughts than the thoughts from above? (Colossians 3:2)

Let me tell you that you are no different than thousands of people struggling or giving into this temptation. We are wired as human being to have a longing and a desire to be loved. This desire can easily turn into a long journey of heartache and open doors that should remain closed.

Recently (the last 13 months), I have had to beat emotional desires down with the Word of God. The thoughts and emotions were coming so rapidly that I knew and have known that it is/was an attack from the enemy. Especially since I knew that the brother had absolutely no desire for me accept to be my brother (We previously had the just brother and sister talk to make sure no false signals were being sent (Proverbs 18:22). If you are struggling in this area, sometimes it is good just to ask the question so you know how to attack it).

It is a long and hard journey to remain emotionally and sexually set apart and pure. Most people do not see the value in it. The world encourages us to engage in relationships and flirting constantly. When one becomes pregnant out of wedlock they asked how? (The sin is in the sex not the child). When marriages fall apart they make excuses. When homosexuals begin to desire to display their sin openly they wonder where they all came from. When domestic violence happens in the home they looked shocked (even when the world promotes violence more than clean air).

Brothers and Sisters I am petitioning you to fight the good fight of emotional purity. We must address the problems of our hearts that cause us to desire and long for men and women who are not our husbands or wives. For so many years we have engaged in pornography, seen dysfunctional relationships and sexual relationships for monetary gain etc. Our past must be cleaned up so that God can get the glory out of our lives.

For that last 4 years I have not engaged in any sexual activity (not even a kiss) but my ride to emotional purity has been a hard journey. It is easy to give your body away and keep your emotions detached in the beginning. It is harder to take a stand and say I will keep my heart pure towards men and women so that when my husband arrives I will be emotionally clean. But more so I will love the Lord my God with all my heart, mind and soul (Matthew 22:37).

I ask you how many people have you dated or tried to pursue in a relationship in the last year? How many people have you engage in emotional impurity with openly and behind the windows of your heart. Have you taken the time to clean yourself from all those broken relationships past and present? Are you looking at women’s outward appearance to decide whether or not you want to pursue them (men)? (1 Samuel 16:7, Proverbs 30:31) Are you looking at men’s outward appearance desiring for them to pursue you, ladies? (1 Samuel 16:7; 1 Corinthians 15:32-34) Have you asked God where are the places emotionally that you need to clean? If not ask Him, Jesus will show you the areas that need to be cleaned before you continue in the pursuit of marriage.

We are all longing to be loved by someone we can call our own. However, we are looking for love in all the wrong places and faces. We must first turn our hearts and affections to the Lord Jesus. He is the only one that can fulfill those desires. No man or woman in this world or the one to come can love you the way Jesus loves you. He was destined since the beginning of time to the lover of your soul (Psalm 143:8). Look to Him to be complete. (John 4: 1-26)

Taking a dive

Ok, so I will be taking a dive in a little photography. Definitely not looking to make it a profession. I actually have an idea to mix film and photography so I am going to try it out 🙂 Since my mom took over my 7.2 megapixel consumer camera. I figured no reason to go back and buy another. So I took an amateur stab. Got the Canon Rebel XT great reviews. I hope to give you all some great shots from my journey. Oh plus, Bro. O can teach me some stuff 🙂

P/S The Semester is completely finished!

Hopeless In Myself

This week I have really realized I am nothing with in myself. For so many years I lived off the pride of my talent. I love God and thank God’s self that I don’t have the desire to live off my own strength anymore, though it creeps up. He has give us the Holy Spirit to be able to resist. It’s all because of the Triune God that we are all here today. Though this world is dark and lonely and we look people in their faces and see them dying daily, we still hold onto the hope of His grace. Imagine life without God in this world. Complete and total chaos but yo He still loves us in our wickedness and desires for us to come closer to Him. Who cares about our problems He still loves us and He can fix them. I want more of His love so I can be known as one who loves like God loves in His image. This was becayse of my meditation of (Pslam 103 and 1 Cor 1-4 this week)

Love u all,

Being healed

Don’t worry I haven’t forgot about ya’ll. I was sick recently but I am really about to start sending some stuff out to you all soon. I think we will start with a podcast and see how that goes.

I love you all. See you soon hopefully by His grace.

Hey are there any topics that you would like to discuss or things that you would like to know about Christina Faith (don’t be afraid to ask)

Grace and Kingdom,

Christina Faith

My brother, My brother, My brother (Guard Your Sisters)

So we took a two day break. Let’s get back to emotional purity. What I have learned is that emotional purity is mind purity. Brothers (meaning any male) you have gotten a bad wrap throughout time, especially if your ancestors were involved in any form of slavery on either side.

It’s hard out there for a brother….when you are used to not knowing how to treat women. Brother’s you are in charge of guarding our hearts. If you see a female falling for you or sending signals, cut it off at the head. We know you like the attention, we do too, but you as a man know from the gate what your intentions are. Let them be known. If you do not desire to marry the woman, leave her alone completely if she is sending signals. Or learn how to be the sister’s friend with no other motive but to love her as a sister.

I was once told women date hoping the man will marry them, men date knowing they will marry that woman. You know your intentions. Be honest, respectful and compassionate.

Many brothers do not know how to treat a woman with respect, dignity and honor because they were never taught how to. How do we know? If someone says something about your female family member, you are ready to fight. But if someone makes a disrespectful comment about a woman that you do not know you are ready laugh.

Brothers you have to step your game up to guard not only your emotions but our emotions as well. Relationships are not simply about having someone when you need or want them. They are about changing your lives and the lives of those around you.

As a brother before you should even consider a woman you need to have a clean heart, finances in order and already working the vision that God has for your life. (Ladies if he is not doing these things back away.) It is a terrible thing to enter into a relationship and have to depart because you do not have your heart, emotions, spiritual life and vision in order.

Brother’s search for a wife and not simply a girlfriend, desire to leave a legacy of a long healthy prosperous marriage and not simply a baby mama (No condemnation if you already have children).

In order to apply this information, you have to be real with yourself. Are you ready for a wife? Are you still struggling with lust, masturbation, former heartache, abusive tendencies, comparing every woman to the other women in your life etc? Brothers get your heart right so that he that findeth a wife can cover the wife that the Lord has given. Brother’s if you are not right with God and living according to His word, your entire family will be off balance you are the head and the covering of the family. Be an example not a hindrance to the plan of God for you and your future/current family.
Loving my brothers,

Focus verses:
Psalm 119:10
I seek you with all my heart; do not let me stray from your commands.
Psalm 139:23
Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts.
Colossians 3:12-14
12Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience. 13Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another. Forgive as the Lord forgave you. 14And over all these virtues put on love, which binds them all together in perfect unity

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Get in touch with Christina Faith !

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