Stop the Voices @FredyRomeroJr

You agree to what that voice in your head is telling you and you stop. You stop dreaming. You stop studying, You stop risking. You stop talking about your goals. You stop the hustle. You stop praying about it.

You just stop.

How many of you are here today? I’ve been here more times than I’d like to admit. It’s the reason my writing is so sporatic. Too often creatives listen to that questions of doubt rather than the affirmations of hope.

Fredy Romero wrote a great post about the need for affirmation and how to overwhelm the throughts of resistance and doubt with words of truth, grace and mercy.

Continue reading I Couldn’t Stop the Voices

4 Ways to Kick Doubt In The Face

We read about doubt in the form of resistances a lot in the blogger world. Steven Pressfield in his book The War of Art speaks about the resistance in a lot of detail. The resistance in the form of doubt is REAL! When we think of all the things we would like to finish and accomplish in life doubt peaks it’s head out and says hello immediately. If you can overcome doubt you can overcome anything.

Doubt is a feeling of uncertainty or lack of conviction.

Imagine your ready to start working on your first book and you are full of conviction and in one instance the feeling of uncertainity starts to overwhelm you. One thought at a time doubt attempts to overwhelm us until she has won and we no longer believe we can accomplish what we started out to do.

Doubt can be kicked in the face! Here is how I kick doubt in the face on a daily bases:

  1. Do the work!
      1. Nothing is more gratifying than simply doing the work. Don’t worry about how good it is just do it. You can fix your mistakes later.
  2. Speak to the doubt! 
      1. Currently I am using scriptures about trust and justification to overwhelm my doubt. The more I speak to the doubt the less control it has over me.
  3. Get Around Likeminded People 
      1. I attend networking events and inspirational talks each month. The speaker may not be in my field but the simple fact they are Starting and Finishing there dreams encourages me and reminds me it’s possible.
  4. Listen to Podcast
      1. Shameless plug: From Start to Finish is my new podcast. Each week I interview a new finisher. I ask them questions related to the fulfillment of there dreams. Podcast such as Dale Partridge, Jeff Goins and Michael Hyatt are great kicks in the butt that the vision is a reality.

Whatever you do with doubt you must overcome it. The sure fire way for doubt to win is to do nothing. What are you going to do with your doubt?



4 Reasons to Walk by Faith


Faith is an extremely delicate matter. Either you have faith or don’t. There isn’t an in between with faith. Many of us desire to launch companies, projects, leave jobs, and build a family. It’s one thing to say that you want to do something; it’s another thing to actually take the steps to do it.

We all have had those instances where we talk about walking on water but few of us actually get out of the boat. This year I am being forced out of the boat in a since. God has positioned me to look at Him and step out off the boat. While I am learning to look in His face and not in the face of my circumstances I will be helping you walk on water this year with things you desire to start and finish.

When the water seems scary think about the following four truths:

  1. Faith is the only way to please God (Hebrews 11:6)
  2. Faith Moves Mountains (Mark 11:22)
  3. Jesus is waiting on the water to support you (Matthew 14:29-31)
  4. If you think it then it is possible (Matthew 19:26)

Sight is the opposite of faith. I know that doubts creeps into my mind everyday. Doubt implores me to look around in order to doubt what I have set my faith on. Don’t allow sight to stop you from walking on the water in 2015.

If you have a dream think bigger! By allowing your hopes to remain small you starve your imagination. It is my hope in 2015 that through some of the resources that I release you will be able to Start and Finish. 

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