No More Microwave?!?!!

Last week we had a microwave. One of our friends was over and they put something inside of it. It went POP, POP, POP! The microwave had died. What do we do?

It’s not in the budget right now to get a new microwave but the bigger question is, “Do we need a microwave?”.

I don’t think I have ever not had a microwave since the early 90’s. I’ve always lived in a house with a microwave so naturally I feel like we NEED a microwave.

The microwave that we had wasn’t that great. It was a low watt micro that a college student would use that someone gave to us.

The microwave kicking the bucket gave us a reason to get a microwave. However; I am now asking myself, “Why do I need a microwave?” To be honest I don’t need a microwave. I may or may not want a microwave. What I need is the ability to heat up our food and drinks and we have that with the stove.

The microwave is a convenience that saves time. However; it’s a forced convenience. Society has told us that we need microwaves.

What I have learned while not having a microwave is that I am more intentional about what I eat and drink. I count the cost of washing the pan or pot before I set my taste buds and I French Press just enought coffee for 16 os.

Do we need a microwave? Nope! It slows us down and causes us to think before we zap. Am I against having a microwave? Nope! But I wonder if what I needed was an opportunity to better define my needs vs. my wants.

After coming from Haiti I look at life differently. We will get into more of that next week in a “Things I learned in Haiti” series. What in your life is a want disguised as a need?

4 Ways to Kick Doubt In The Face

We read about doubt in the form of resistances a lot in the blogger world. Steven Pressfield in his book The War of Art speaks about the resistance in a lot of detail. The resistance in the form of doubt is REAL! When we think of all the things we would like to finish and accomplish in life doubt peaks it’s head out and says hello immediately. If you can overcome doubt you can overcome anything.

Doubt is a feeling of uncertainty or lack of conviction.

Imagine your ready to start working on your first book and you are full of conviction and in one instance the feeling of uncertainity starts to overwhelm you. One thought at a time doubt attempts to overwhelm us until she has won and we no longer believe we can accomplish what we started out to do.

Doubt can be kicked in the face! Here is how I kick doubt in the face on a daily bases:

  1. Do the work!
      1. Nothing is more gratifying than simply doing the work. Don’t worry about how good it is just do it. You can fix your mistakes later.
  2. Speak to the doubt! 
      1. Currently I am using scriptures about trust and justification to overwhelm my doubt. The more I speak to the doubt the less control it has over me.
  3. Get Around Likeminded People 
      1. I attend networking events and inspirational talks each month. The speaker may not be in my field but the simple fact they are Starting and Finishing there dreams encourages me and reminds me it’s possible.
  4. Listen to Podcast
      1. Shameless plug: From Start to Finish is my new podcast. Each week I interview a new finisher. I ask them questions related to the fulfillment of there dreams. Podcast such as Dale Partridge, Jeff Goins and Michael Hyatt are great kicks in the butt that the vision is a reality.

Whatever you do with doubt you must overcome it. The sure fire way for doubt to win is to do nothing. What are you going to do with your doubt?



Why You Shouldn’t Hide That You’re A Christian


If you are reading my blog most likely you are a Christian. I have been extremely unapologetic about the fact that I am a Christian. I wasn’t raised a Christian however; my whole life changed in 2003. I had several encounters with Jesus that showed me He was real. Since my final Damascus experience when I gave my entire life to Jesus I have been bold about my hope in the Lord.

My boldness has been challenged throughout the years and I have wanted to change my writing style to stay relevant. Here I am in 2015 to tell you that as a child of God we can’t bend in order to acquire success. Success is tricky. Many people see what other’s in the world are doing and they want the success they have. As Christian’s that can’t be our place.

We have to be bold; yet loving.

Courageous; yet humble.

Honest; yet listen.

Straight forward; yet wise.

As Christian’s we are called to make disciples and that can be hard in our society. It seems that every law is being formed against what we believe however; that shouldn’t stop us from living unashamed. Living unashamed doesn’t mean distancing yourself from the culture. Living unashamed means living out loud for all to see! I’ve decided not to change my content for more followers. Not to bend in my writing for more readers. Not to hide my beliefs in Christ for others to be comfortable. I have decided to be a brave and courageous Christian.

I have befriended people who aren’t Christian since I was born again. They know who I am and what I believe. I don’t hide behind the uniform of society. I am not a Christian so that I can fit in. I am a Christian because the flow of the culture leads to destruction and I want life not death.

If you are reading this blog post I believe the Lord wants us all to know that we should be living our lives from Start to Finish with the Him. The path to earthly success and spiritual maturity is seen throughout Scripture and it all begins and ends with the Lord.

Live bold. Love hard. Speak openly. Punch fear in the face. Be His out loud.

I don’t know about you but I love Jesus because He loves me. If He was willing to die for us how much more should we be willing to surrender our reputations for His glory. If you are a Christian writer write for Christ! If you are a plumber plumb for Christ! If you are a Christian student learn for Christ! Whatever your occupation is God is worth surrendering your reputation for the world to know you are a believer. Persecution is apart of the Christian walk. We can’t be afraid of what others will think and deny the Christ that loves us when we are faithless. Be encouraged to live unashamed!



4 Reasons to Walk by Faith


Faith is an extremely delicate matter. Either you have faith or don’t. There isn’t an in between with faith. Many of us desire to launch companies, projects, leave jobs, and build a family. It’s one thing to say that you want to do something; it’s another thing to actually take the steps to do it.

We all have had those instances where we talk about walking on water but few of us actually get out of the boat. This year I am being forced out of the boat in a since. God has positioned me to look at Him and step out off the boat. While I am learning to look in His face and not in the face of my circumstances I will be helping you walk on water this year with things you desire to start and finish.

When the water seems scary think about the following four truths:

  1. Faith is the only way to please God (Hebrews 11:6)
  2. Faith Moves Mountains (Mark 11:22)
  3. Jesus is waiting on the water to support you (Matthew 14:29-31)
  4. If you think it then it is possible (Matthew 19:26)

Sight is the opposite of faith. I know that doubts creeps into my mind everyday. Doubt implores me to look around in order to doubt what I have set my faith on. Don’t allow sight to stop you from walking on the water in 2015.

If you have a dream think bigger! By allowing your hopes to remain small you starve your imagination. It is my hope in 2015 that through some of the resources that I release you will be able to Start and Finish. 

I was a Liar



I was a liar, not your average liar but a BIG liar.

A habitual liar to be exact.


I always knew how to tell stories.


They called me a master manipulator.


I called it getting out of trouble, temporarily that is.


However, I got caught in my lies often.

Instead of telling the truth I would opt to continue lying.


Even when the truth was exchanged for immunity.


I still lied.

I don’t think anyone in my family knew that my lying was an expression of my ability to tell stories.


I often wish someone picked up on it.


My life would have been different.


They may have fostered my writing & storytelling ability.


My ability to write still amazes me. It’s still new to me.


I remember as a child watching movies.


I watched a lot of movies.


I was bred as a direct in some cases.


My lies often put me on punishment and during those times of punishment I could write or read.


I wrote songs and poems.


I read novels and business books.


At the at of 12 I read “Waiting to Exhale” and the movie came out that year.


I was amazed by the directors and actors ability to capture the words of the author.


I never thought I could make films until I was in my late twenties.


I owned video cameras all my life.

I never thought it was possible to write and direct.


I was never a great writer.


I went to 13 different grade schools.


I always lacked the basics of mathematics & grammar.


The lack of proper writing skills discouraged me.


In college I loved writing papers.


College gave me the opportunity to write and read.


As a double major and double minor I figured out a way to take more English classes than my majors allowed.


I loved having the ability to read, dissect and write about classics.


I was a storyteller.


If they would realized my lies were the basics of storytelling I would have majored in English & Film.


I would have been further in my career.


These are the lies that my mind tries to tell me.


Instead, I have a massive arsenal of stories to tell because I was a liar and it wasn’t known that I was a storytelling writer.


Today, I tell stories the proper way. Today, I’ve turned those lies into truth filled stories that tell the greatest story alive.


I now use words and cameras to speak of our relationship in this dirty orbit with the God of all of wonders.


Today, I am a creative communicator.


Today, I remember Pinocchio.


I remember watching him tell lies and his nose grow.


I remember sitting in my aunt’s bedroom while it played for the first time on HBO.


I remember how amazed I was that everyone knew he was lying.


I am a former liar turned storyteller.

What has shaped you? Feel free to comment.

Digging Deep


Today I looked at my storage on my computer.

It was running low and that concerned me.

When I got the computer I knew it would be limited due because it was a solid state hard drive.

I couldn’t really understand where all my space went.

It was nerve wrecking.

I began digging deeper. Not the normal dig.

I knew some of the short cuts already.

This kind of digging required going into the back doors places I’ve never been.

I went through all files, applications, photos etc.

I found the culprits.

I deleted some files from the past.

Ideas that I started.

Successes that weren’t valid anymore.

Now I sit here wondering how deep are we digging to live authentically.

Are we alright with the surface? Are we still living off of former accomplishment? Are we afraid to delete old ideas, moments, & thoughts.

Are we willing to start over?

What are your thoughts when no one is around? When you look in the mirror is that the authentic you or the imitation version you left in the back doors of your hard drive of your heart.

I’ve lived enough of my life as the imitation version. Daily I am afforded the opportunity to uncover more about me through Him.

In order to move forward in life we have to know what to delete.

When’s the last time you dug deep and removed the old files of your emotions that keep you bound?

Today I overcame fear. I went back to a place I felt outcasted and hated. Instead of running I dug deep and walked in the confident authority of Christ.

Let us not be bound by fear. Remember he didn’t give us that. The deeper we dig the greater the reward. Who knows you might receive more than storage space in your heart (peace). You may find oil or gold.


Comparison the Thief

kəmˈperəsən/- Literally, to compare one thing with another by noting similarities and differences. (Strong’s Dictionary)

Too many people are comparing themselves.

In a really bad way! I believe we are stopping ourselves from moving forward because of this comparison.

Peoples lives & accomplishments should be our motivation not our example of what we should want.

If Shonda Rhimes has three shows on primetime and I am just starting my web series that should not be my measuring rod.

Comparing ourselves to ourselves doesn’t allow us to appreciate where we are in that season of life.

Comparison is poison. It pollutes every area of your life. Most woman compare their beauty to another women’s beauty never seeing there own beauty.

Men compare themselves as well i.e. one’s strength to another’s.

Who cares what amount of followers, likes, comments etc someone else has. That isn’t your platform. Just keep working and appreciate the people who allow you into there thoughts and visual lens.

To compare is unwise (2 Cor 10:12). Let us all begin to appreciate where we are and where we have been without bringing in outside forces of pollution. Our biggest enemy is ourselves and our only comparison should be placing ourselves against the image of Jesus.

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