Why You Should Reflect On The Past

It’s easy to just keep going without taking a moment to stop and remember. Remembering your past allows you to keep a fresh perspective on your current situation.

Henri J.M. Nouwen stated:

By cutting off our past we paralyze our future: forgetting the evil behind us we evolve the evil in front of us.

That is often how we are in regard to starting and finishing things. We don’t remember, reflect and evaluate the past therefore we become a slave to what we once were.

In order to finish something you have to remember why you started it in the beginning. Everything starts and ends with your “why”. You know “why” you go to work everyday. If you don’t go to work you won’t get a check. That why sits in front of your face 5-6 days a week. What was your “why” for starting that last project that is unfinished?

Every week I am reminded about my why of writing, podcasting and directing. I want to inspire authentic change in the hearts of others and my own. When people tweet me about the impact that the podcast, blog or a film is having on them I remember my why. When I don’t post on time they remind me of my why by showing that they are impacted by my lack of consistency.

Everyday you have to wake up and remember why you hustle and grind. It can’t just be for money because that will come and go. Your hustle has to be for a deeper reason and that reason should always include someone else.

I encourage you today not to ignore the past but evaluate it and remember where you came from. Your past can be a great tool or a great master.

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