Stop the Voices @FredyRomeroJr

You agree to what that voice in your head is telling you and you stop. You stop dreaming. You stop studying, You stop risking. You stop talking about your goals. You stop the hustle. You stop praying about it.

You just stop.

How many of you are here today? I’ve been here more times than I’d like to admit. It’s the reason my writing is so sporatic. Too often creatives listen to that questions of doubt rather than the affirmations of hope.

Fredy Romero wrote a great post about the need for affirmation and how to overwhelm the throughts of resistance and doubt with words of truth, grace and mercy.

Continue reading I Couldn’t Stop the Voices

EP 10: The Persistent Entrepreneur

There is hope for the persistent entrepreneur. However; it comes with a mighty price. Entrepreneurship has become this glamorized culture fad but it is not what it seems. To be an entrepreneur means you are rarely off especially in the beginning. Your days run together. You lose sleep. You miss social engagements. You are consistently feeding all of your money into a machine that you hope works.

I’ve been on this road for years (honestly, all my life). The greatest asset that I have had as an entrepreneur is faith, hope and persistence (hustle/grind). I have faith that what I hope for will work. When I was 13-14 years old my brother Hakim gave me Napoleon Hill’s Think and Grow Rich. Hill gave me hope! He used hundreds of modern day entrepreneurs and showed us the architecture for success.

Though, we have this formula for success we miss out on being successful entrepreneurs because we don’t finish what we start.

Hill states:

Lack of persistence. Most of us are good “starters” but poor “finishers” of everything we begin. Moreover, people are prone to give up at the first signs of defeat. There is no substitute for persistence. The person who makes persistence his watch-word, discovers that “Old Man Failure” finally becomes tired, and makes his departure. Failure cannot cope with persistence. 

persistence |pərˈsistəns| nounfirm or obstinate continuance in a course of action in spite of difficulty or opposition (

Will you let a lack of HUSTLE stop you from completing what you ventured out to complete. It’s easy to talk about doing. It’s another thing to actually do. Salute to all the finishers in the world.

Take sometime today to think of everything you finished. Then work on what you have put to the side. This week I will be finishing my second book and like the first it has been a grand battle of persistence and not giving up when I’ve looked at blank pages. I am no longer concerned with the page count but with the impact that will have with the words that are inside of the pages written.


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