People Matter More Than Success

This world of the internet and social influence places a lot of emphasis on the number of followers you have. Over recent days I am realizing that the return on actual relationships is far greater than the number of people following you. In the midst of all of the starting and finishing remember people matter more than your success. It’s easy to chase accolades and forget that the people with you are more valuable than any success you can or will achieve. Even in the midst of a crowd of strangers know that they matter. They matter to God so they should matter to you.

We need other people.

We need friends.

We need advocates.- Jon Acuff

Here’s a link to an article I wrote on Adam Smith’s Site A Reason We Might Be Bad At Relationships

Why Hustle Is Important



Recently, I’ve had a lot of doors open. I have been able to have conversations with some major influencers in our tech and social media world. People that I never thought I had a reach on. I realized through speaking notification each of them that my dreams and your dreams are possible. Yesterday, I interviewed Carlos Whittaker and the major take away that I got from him is CONSISTENCY.

We all struggle with consistency! Things attempt to take the place of what we know we should be doing. In our busy world EVERYTHING is important! Even the fact that I just placed a “!” made it feel like that was important. Our emotions run a mile a minute and we are moved by every tweet, news bulletin and notification that dings us. I have been battling this immensely huge boulder of consistency and distraction myself.

There are days that I WIN the consistency and distraction free game. But there are also days that I do not win. Our job is to build prayer and hustle into our lives! I’ve recently began to think about why I hustle so hard. It’s really ingrained in me. Anyone who knows me knows I hustle. In prayer, at Bible Study, at work, at dreams, at home life at EVERYTHING. I believe that I can exert myself in what I am doing. When I do things with love and grind in my heart my hustle is authentic. 

How are you going to hustle differently? Will you even hustle? Will you be consistent? Ben Arment tweeted, “Hustle without purpose is hassle”. Everything we do should be done with purpose. Everyday that I wake up I make it my job to pray, read the Word and listen to the Lord. I am looking for purpose. I am looking for direction. I am looking for courage and motivation.

Define everyday as a day you hustle with purpose. When you hustle with purpose you will develop consistency because it will matter to you. 20 years ago today Eileen Collins became the first female astronaut to pilot a space shuttle mission. I would image that Eileen hustled to become the first of many! My dreams are big in my mind but the closer I get the more I realize how attainable they are. Don’t be distracted by the days you don’t win at consistency. Daily renew your mind to become consistent in what you were purposed to hustle towards. Your hustle is important!

7 Ways To Measure Success

There seems to be this idea in the world that if we copy formulas that other people have used we will receive the same amount of success they have. I am here to tell you that it’s not true. Formulas aren’t what people follow. People follow value. If you are providing someone value they will embrace you. If you are not offering value they will skip over you. Society allows for many get rich quick schemes and viral instant celebrities. However; those rare moments shouldn’t be our priorities. We have to ask ourselves a few question before we start projects and while we are in the midst of them.


What does success look like to me?

What do numbers mean to me?

Am I adding value to people?

Am I lusting for attention?

Am I selling things I love or am I just trying to make money?

Am I measuring success against someone elses?

Am I being truly patient about my idea of success or do I want it now?


Recently,  I heard Jefferson Bethke speak about the first 3 weeks of his video going viral as the worse time of his life. He went on to speak about how our human souls weren’t created for overnight success. We often have the idea that if we can just get an investor, become a viral senstation, or win the lottery everything in our lives will be better. However; that isn’t true. We were designed with purpose. There is something unique about you that only you can provide to the world. You won’t be able to manufactuer it. Are you using what you have or are you wishing you had what someone else has. Don’t allow your eyes wandering to remove your focus for what you are called to do. Your idea of success is unique to you. Stay in your lane you were purposed to ride in it.

Comparison the Thief

kəmˈperəsən/- Literally, to compare one thing with another by noting similarities and differences. (Strong’s Dictionary)

Too many people are comparing themselves.

In a really bad way! I believe we are stopping ourselves from moving forward because of this comparison.

Peoples lives & accomplishments should be our motivation not our example of what we should want.

If Shonda Rhimes has three shows on primetime and I am just starting my web series that should not be my measuring rod.

Comparing ourselves to ourselves doesn’t allow us to appreciate where we are in that season of life.

Comparison is poison. It pollutes every area of your life. Most woman compare their beauty to another women’s beauty never seeing there own beauty.

Men compare themselves as well i.e. one’s strength to another’s.

Who cares what amount of followers, likes, comments etc someone else has. That isn’t your platform. Just keep working and appreciate the people who allow you into there thoughts and visual lens.

To compare is unwise (2 Cor 10:12). Let us all begin to appreciate where we are and where we have been without bringing in outside forces of pollution. Our biggest enemy is ourselves and our only comparison should be placing ourselves against the image of Jesus.

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