EP 15: How to Write 7 Books while Homeschooling with Kim Cash Tate

Kim Cash Tate is an amazing wife, mother, author and teacher. She has spent the last 15+ years home schooling her children through high school and authoring 7 published books.

We spoke about:

  • Why she left law to write
  • Why she choose law school in college
  • How she published her first book
  • Her relationship with Thomas Nelson
  • How she remains authentic
  • Her writing pattern
  • Why she still uses hard back books for research
  • Balancing being a wife, homeschooling and writing
  • What books of her’s that she would recommend you to purchase

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Set List:

J. Givens- The Pledge

Josh Garrels- White Owls

Je’Kob- Letting Go Ft. Josh Lane

Hunter G.K. Thompson- Swan Song

Jason Nelson- Thirsty


EP 2: Balancing the Hustle With Carlos Whitaker

Are you trying to balance the hustle of work, family and life? Multifaceted entrepreneur, Carlos Whittaker, joins us on From Start to Finish podcast to discuss the balance between the hustle and family and the importance of being consistent and authentic. Listen for some tips and an amazingly encouraging message of how he pursued his passion.





EP 1: Write With Heart Podcast


How to Write with Heart with Adam Smith







With over 300,000 email subscribers for his blog Adam Smith gives us advice on how to lead with your life and write with heart.

Set list:

J. Moss- Your Work Mary J. Blige- Doubt
Atiba Hailisi- Dreams
Stephen the Levite- Date Night
Hunter GK Thompson- Marantha


Delight In God Today

Writing a book is not an easy task. Writing a 50,000 word book in two months is even harder. It would be incredibly challenging for me to write this book in my own strength. Yesterday, I had the most amazing time with Jesus writing Single and Anxious. From 8am-5pm I wrote (with food and admin breaks). I had a new album by Brittney Wright on repeat and I poured out my heart to the single community. 5000 words spilled out of me. The difference between writing my first book and the second is the intentional delighting in the Lord. When I wrote Nickey’s Flesh I had a lot going on. I worked full time, directed plays, attended seminary and served at my local church. This time around I have time due to healing from my foot surgery. It is the most amazing experience to write, cry, pray and repeat. I realized yesterday that God desires for us to experience this on a daily bases not just with projects. He desires to be our delight all the time.

Delight- be refreshed; take pleasure in

Trust in the Lord and do good; Dwell in the land and cultivate faithfulness. Delight yourself in the Lord; And He will give you the desires of your heart. Commit your way to the Lord, Trust also in Him, and He will do it. (Psalm 37:3-5)

When we seek Abba, Father we are refreshed. We are Christians because Jesus wanted to delight in us as His children. Jesus delights in us. Did you know that He takes pleasure in you? He desires for us to be delighted in Him as well. As an entreprenuer, writer, director I am always challenged by the implication of my faith in my work. I know that I serve a niche audience but at the same time I serve at the pleasure of Jesus. I don’t serve at the pleasure of the global audience. The freedom of delighting in God is trusting in Him. As we delight in Him he gives us the desires of our hearts. We don’t have to push and try to make things happen. We can rest in His will and He will do it. Today delight in the Lord and trust that He will do that which He has placed in your heart.

5 Things To Consider Before Quitting Your Job for A Start Up

In 2008 I left my job. It was the greatest step of faith that I ever took. I knew in my heart that the Lord was calling me to leave. I didn’t trust the Lord but I told Him I would learn to trust Him. When I quit my job I had an idea of the arena He was preparing for me in the realm of media and writing but I didn’t really understand what was happening. But that was the point. Leaving my job with the state of New Jersey was big for me. I was comfortable. I got payed extremely well. Besides student loans I was debt free. I had just finished fixing my credit. I had just produced a successful play and was in the process of launching my first book. I was optimistic about everything. I was on a faith journey. However; I had a few major flaws that I have learned from. After 4 years of being self employed I had to go back to work. Obviously, the Lord had another plan for me and more for me to learn. I had been so broke during those times that I was excited to have a new pay check. It didn’t hurt that I got hired by Apple. I filled out hundreds of applications and Apple was the only company that hired. God definitely had a plan of action for me. We will get to that later in this blog series.


When I left the state of New Jersey I had a car payment and a house. By July of that year I could no longer pay the rent. By August I could no longer pay the car payment. Before I got deep into self employment I had lost it all. But I knew God called me down this road. I didn’t know all the bumps in the road but I was sure He was doing something. As a start up my partner and I went in head first. We took every design, film and photography job that came our way. Years later we discovered this was the wrong thing to do. Here are a few things I would have done different before quitting my job in 2008.


  1. SAVE MORE- I would have saved a lot more money than I did. I took all my excess and paid off my debts, purchased equipment and gave abundantly prior to leaving. I would not have changed the giving and equipment piece. The equipment was great collateral, it was how we made a living and the giving was God’s heart. Now the debt on the other hand could have waited and been managed more effectively. I would have saved at least 3-6 months worth of my earnings to give myself a better cushion.
  2. LEARN ABOUT BUSINESS – I would have learned more about business and people management. The greatest thing I have learned from working at Apple and running my company is people matter and they pay for what they value. We made way too many deals. We charged too low. We didn’t value our own work. It takes money to run a business and produce great content. Business is business. It seems harsh but you can’t go into McDonald’s and ask for a deal unless they provided the coupon. Learn more about business before you leave. It will help you in the long run.
  3. NETWORK – We did a lot of networking. But we did it with people we were similar too. Network with clients and people that are where you are going not just where you are. Advertise to the niche audience you have and desire to have.
  4. DOCUMENT EVERYTHING – We should have documented everything from Start to Finish. One day I will go back to my journals and read of my spiritual journey but the first 4 years of my business journey are missing. I am currently using Day One to document my days. We learned so much during those 4 years. We had a lot of failures and accomplishments. If we would have documented those things we could have added value to people on our blog daily and helped them not make the same mistakes we did.
  5. MONETIZE PRODUCTS – We were launching a completely service based business. The problem with providing services is you are always waiting for your next check. If we would have had products to offer we would have been receiving passive residual income. We should have had a plan of action to create products along the way that would have benefitted our audience and clients.

These were just some of the things I thought about. Thank you for reading this post. I recently had a conversation with John Saddington over at the Desk App about my entrepreneurial goals as a writer. Through our conversation I was able to better define how I wanted to add value to people. From Start to Finish I desire to add value to people’s lives and help them achieve their goals. All of our post from here on out will surround how to fulfill your God given dreams. We were designed to Start and Finish everything we put our hands to. By finishing we grow (spirit, soul and body). I look forward to growing with you.

The New Year Is Here

The new year is rounding the corner and for some it’s a time of reflection. While on the phone with Deer Park I had a brief moment of reflection. As I am listening to the guy take my request I wondered if he is content or designed to work at Deer Park. I know when I was working as a 9-1-1 operator and child abuse social worker the phones drove me crazy at times. While sitting stagnant taking inbound calls every moment in bettwen was filled with considering what I would be doing if I wasn’t at work.


I am sure that many of you reading this post aren’t content with your jobs or the use of your talents. I am sure when you look in the mirror you think of all the things you would like improve about your physical frame (say no to plastic surgery). Can I ask you this question? What is stopping you? I am sure it’s either procrastination, fear, doubt, or both. This year I have been afforded the opportunity to do with my time as I desired without worrying about where my next check was coming from however; before that time I was plotting my escape. I have never been content at any job that I have worked. Everyday I woke up with the mindset that I am one day closer to working for myself. One day closer to being a full time writer and director. One day closer to being finanically free. One day closer to allowing the Lord to form and shape my day. One day closer to losing the next inch off  my body (I am 4 inches down from last year this time). One day closer to spending more time in the Word and prayer. One day closer to being made in His image.


How do you wake up? In 2015 make it your daily responsibility to complete what you started and fulfill your God given purpose. Don’t allow yourself to sabatoge the plans of God in this new season. It’s time to be productive and consistent. What are your plans for 2015?

Inclined to Write


When I see that others have written I am more inclined to write. There is something about words on a page whether typed or written that calls my name. I stumbled across a page of notes from the women’s conference in August. In the corner of this page I wrote a prayer, “Awaken the writer in me. Let me be Your oracle”. As I think back over the last several months I am reminded that I am becoming an oracle of God. I don’t want to simply write because I have the ability. I don’t desire to write so that people will follow my blog. I want to write because God desires to speak to and through me.


This week after speaking with my editor and getting the outline of Single and Anxious cleared I agreed to write 1000 words a day towards the book. The first two days I was in a zone. I woke up early on Saturday and Sunday. I spent 20-40 minutes after my devotional time writing. I learned a few things about myself during those two days.

  1. Waking up early is the best time for me write
  2. When I have an outline I flow better
  3. Writing helps me memorizes Scriptures and disgust them better
  4. Having a workspace increases my productivity

People have been asking about my writing and that keeps me on point. I write because I love it. I write because I am called. I write because I want to be a voice for our generation. It’s important that we all have clarity on why we do what we do. It’s important that we point people to Jesus. I am sure some get tired of me writing about Jesus but He’s been that good to me that He deserves the praise for everything I do. Why do you do what you?

I was a Liar



I was a liar, not your average liar but a BIG liar.

A habitual liar to be exact.


I always knew how to tell stories.


They called me a master manipulator.


I called it getting out of trouble, temporarily that is.


However, I got caught in my lies often.

Instead of telling the truth I would opt to continue lying.


Even when the truth was exchanged for immunity.


I still lied.

I don’t think anyone in my family knew that my lying was an expression of my ability to tell stories.


I often wish someone picked up on it.


My life would have been different.


They may have fostered my writing & storytelling ability.


My ability to write still amazes me. It’s still new to me.


I remember as a child watching movies.


I watched a lot of movies.


I was bred as a direct in some cases.


My lies often put me on punishment and during those times of punishment I could write or read.


I wrote songs and poems.


I read novels and business books.


At the at of 12 I read “Waiting to Exhale” and the movie came out that year.


I was amazed by the directors and actors ability to capture the words of the author.


I never thought I could make films until I was in my late twenties.


I owned video cameras all my life.

I never thought it was possible to write and direct.


I was never a great writer.


I went to 13 different grade schools.


I always lacked the basics of mathematics & grammar.


The lack of proper writing skills discouraged me.


In college I loved writing papers.


College gave me the opportunity to write and read.


As a double major and double minor I figured out a way to take more English classes than my majors allowed.


I loved having the ability to read, dissect and write about classics.


I was a storyteller.


If they would realized my lies were the basics of storytelling I would have majored in English & Film.


I would have been further in my career.


These are the lies that my mind tries to tell me.


Instead, I have a massive arsenal of stories to tell because I was a liar and it wasn’t known that I was a storytelling writer.


Today, I tell stories the proper way. Today, I’ve turned those lies into truth filled stories that tell the greatest story alive.


I now use words and cameras to speak of our relationship in this dirty orbit with the God of all of wonders.


Today, I am a creative communicator.


Today, I remember Pinocchio.


I remember watching him tell lies and his nose grow.


I remember sitting in my aunt’s bedroom while it played for the first time on HBO.


I remember how amazed I was that everyone knew he was lying.


I am a former liar turned storyteller.

What has shaped you? Feel free to comment.

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