August 5, 2015 christinafaith

10 Questions to Ask Before Saying Yes

Over the last 7 weeks I have had a nice amount of time to evaluate my efforts. I absolutely love helping people. However; over the last few months I’ve helped myself into debt. This debt isn’t just financial it is also a time debt. Helping people can be extremely profitable. You create amazing moments and experiences however; for the entrepreneur helping can take away from your advancement.

My actions caused me to evaluate where I spend my time and how I give information.

If you don’t value your time then you won’t move ahead as an entrepreneur.Tweet it

Much of an entrepreneurs life is trial and error. I’ve learned through these errors that the information that I have is valuable and I must spend more time developing content in order to build a passive sustainable income as an entrepreneur.

Don’t get me wrong I absolutely loved the work I did this summer but it cost me dearly. If I didn’t make the error I would not have recognized my worth. Distractions are real and they come in appealing packages. Always remember to count the cost before you say yes. I am a very giving person but you must be careful to invest in the right areas and not simply to help someone.

Here are ten questions to ask yourself before you invest your time talent and treasure:

  1. Is this my area of expertise?
  2. Will my other projects suffer?
  3. Is this where my time should be placed?
  4. Am I making an emotional decision?
  5. Will this advance my career?
  6. Am I giving a discount simply to get the business?
  7. Am I passionate about the project?
  8. Will this rob my family of my time?
  9. Is this worth the sacrifice?
  10. Am I going to put this in my portfolio?

You don’t have to be a grinch when saying no but you should be firm. Everyone will always need something but remember to ask yourself the ten questions above.

About the Author

christinafaith Author. Director. Podcaster. Entrepreneur.
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