3 Ways to Connect with Influencers

I am extremely big on connection. Many of my friends call me the connector. I make it my responsibility to get to know people and to know more about them. My learning about people is in order to learning from them.


As a writer I have spent a few weeks getting to know Jeff Goin through his book Your Are A Writer (So Start Acting Like One) and Blog.

As a director I’ve spent about 12 months researching and learning about Ava Duvernay and her distribution company AFFRM.

As a Social Media expert I’ve spent a large part of the latter half of 2014 learning about Guy Kawasaki.


Many stop at learning about people; I believe in attempting to connect with those you are learning from. You shouldn’t connect only for personal gain but to find out how you can help them as well. Recently, Guy Kawasaki emailed those who attended a Google Hangout he and Peg Fitz Patrick hosted a copy of their new book The Art of Social Media on kindle for free in exchange for your email address. I was completely ecstatic. I was recently gifted the hardcover edition of it but I wanted the digital copy.

I emailed Guy back with gratitude and asked him if I could do anything for him. He asked that I do a good Amazon review. That is the least that I can do; the book is amazing! After a few emails I realized this was a chance to invite Guy on my Podcast. For 30 minutes I was nervous and fearful; then while cooking dinner I picked up my iPad and emailed Guy with an ask. He said, “Sure connect with Kate”.

We often think that people are completely untouchable when they have a level of influence. However; social media and email gives us the chance to reach out and touch our mentors from a distance. Here are three ways to connect with influencers.

  1. SAY HELLO – I know this is a hard one but it all begins with a hello. Don’t be afraid to say hello and ask a person how they are doing on social media. It is so important to build rapport with influencers you are connecting with.
  2. ASK TO HELP – After you say hello ask the connector if they need help with anything. If one of there articles, books, podcast inspired or provoked change in you share it. Sharing is caring.
  3. ASK QUESTIONS – I am good for asking questions. I don’t ask a lot of them but I will ask questions through email or a tweet. Please note: Don’t ask a lot of questions all at once unless you are interested in hiring them for consultation.

I was recently told not to take my boldness as unimportant. In the midst of securing Guy for a podcast I realized that so many people that desire to connect with influencers are afraid and fearful. The least people can do is say, “NO” or not respond. I would rather try then never have tried and regretted that I did not. What influencers will you be connecting with this month?

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