When Doors Are Closed: God Has Not Forgotten Your

grafitti-art-workshop-hope January 6   When Doors Are Closed

scripture reading:
Acts 16:5–10
key verse:
Revelation 3:8

See, I have set before you an open door, and no one can shut it; for you have a little strength, have kept My word, and have not denied My name.
Your contract on your dream house just fell through. The promotion you were sure of fizzled at the last management meeting. The person you knew would become your spouse called off the relationship over the phone.
Slam. Slam. Slam. Doors you thought God had opened wide become curtains of steel. What is God doing? What is He up to? Why is He placing me in this box canyon?
Despite your disappointment, remember this: God is sovereignly leading your steps in a path that will bring Him the ultimate glory and you the ultimate benefit as you abandon yourself to His care.
“But the house was just perfect.”
“I desperately need the money that would come from the promotion.”
“I do not know of any other person I could marry.”
From your limited perspective, all of these statements are true. But understand that God alone can see around the bend.
The next time your hopes are dashed and the doors of aspiration are slammed in your face, rely on the all–sufficient wisdom of God, who alone knows the end from the beginning.
Lord, my perspective is limited, so I need You to open the doors I am to walk through this day. Close the doors that You do not want me to enter. Help me understand that closed doors are just as important as those that are open to me.

Charles F. Stanley, Enter His Gates : A Daily Devotional, January 6 (Nashville: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1998).

The Life Of A Starving Entrepreneur

I always look for “meeting” locations. Normally I frequent Starbucks, Barnes and noble and/or  local coffee shops. Today I was taken to the library. This is what happens when there are no seats and you need the free wireless.


Single and Anxious!


My goodness! I thought that I could run from this topic however, it is the cry of many of OUR hearts. In a society where “relationships” are stressed more than the air we breathe it can be difficult to stay focused in our singleness.

It’s the holiday season and everyone desires to be with someone. During the holiday season we want to be “bunned” up and during the summer we want to be “free”. It’s the way of the world.

I must say this “single and joyous” concept takes a lot of my discipline. Women we are often tempted to buy the wedding dress because he said hi. Men/Women are tempted to start looking for wedding halls because they work in ministry together.

There are all kinds of temptations out there but what about being “anxious for nothing” (phil 4), even marriage. Everyone around me wants to be married. I desire to be married as well however, it’s not all that we should desire. Guarding the wellsprings of our hearts is a BATTLE (proverbs 4). It’s not easy. Our imaginations run wild, our hearts skip some beats and our friends encourage our “perfect mate fantasies”. However, when it comes down to it the effects of becoming emotionally involved prematurely are “deadly”.

It can take weeks, month, and even years to recover from the effects of emotional impurity. I encourage you all as I encourage myself. Enjoy this single life! Go places, do things, serve, love and most importantly get TUNNEL VISION for God (Matthew 6:33). Don’t awaken love before it’s time (Song of Solomon 8:4). What an incredible joy it is to give your heart completely to Christ as the lover of your soul. Remember He already knows who you are going to marry and what your life will be. What’s the rush? Didn’t fools rush in? Be Single and Anxious for nothing but in everything by prayer and supplication make your request known to GOD. He already knows…..He’s the perfect matchmaker on His time.


Shhh Don't Tell: Your ADDICTED!

Thank you all for your comments. I will stick with this topic for a while.

Sexual immorality is a beast! It creeps into your life as a pleasure and leads to an addiction that controls your life.

Porn and masturbation are “dirty little secrets”. We are afraid that people will find out what we do in the dark or we have so little conviction that we broadcast it for the world to see.

The first step to getting free is “confession”. Get it out! Don’t let this ungodly addiction keep you in bondage. Christ died so that we can be free. Struggle with this addiction don’t give in. Fight….fight….fight your freedom is in the Word of God.

John 8:11 She said, “No one, Lord.” And Jesus said, “I do not condemn you, either. Go. From now on sin no more.”

It Only Takes One Creep

xxxchurchI’m learning that transparency is one of the keys to godly freedom. The world is known for keeping faults, sins and short comings to itself. I remember when I first learned that masterbation and pornography were sin. I did not want to believe it. Sitting in the front of the television watching Creflo Dollar teach on the issue was very interesting. I knew that I wanted to live right but was I willing to give it up. I put all the “toys and tapes” under my bed, you know out of sight out of mind thinking that I could keep them just in case. It took all of one day for my addiction to kick back in. I talked to a few people about it none of which were living godly lives and they all rationalized it saying it was “cool because I wasn’t having sex with anyone else”. However, the Lord kept convicting me that it was wrong and not in His plan. So I took the “product of sin” this time and threw it in the trash.

I had become so used to porn and masterbation that I didn’t see anything wrong with it. It was me pleasing myself. But that was the problem…….I was always pleasing me and displeasing God.

Are you still pleasing yourself? Freedom is available…..Get into the Word of God, prayer, fellowship and counseling. Let porn and masturbation have its last day in your life! Fight for FREEDOM! Christ has it waiting for you.

Check out: http://xxxchurch.com for support on getting free from pornography as well as becoming accountable to other mature beleivers.

Tech Junkie– I Remember

06, originally uploaded by 633 Photography.

When I was a kid I had no idea that my life would pan out how it is. I’ve always loved technology but I had no idea that it would be such a big part of my ministry.

I remember:
-When my grand pop got his first video camera in 1989.
-I remember when I helped hook up the cable in 1987.
-I remember hooking up the VCR and brand new Nintendo in 1988.
– I remember getting my

first Sony Walkman in 1986.
-I also remember my addiction to porn from the VCR and cable as a result of it in 1986 that spanned until 2004. (Praise God for deliverance in 2004)

Technology can be a great servant, but a terrible master- Christian Lange

Tech Junkie– I Remember

When I was a kid I had no idea that my life would pan out how it is. I’ve always loved technology but I had no idea that it would be such a big part of my ministry.

I remember:
-When my grandpop got his first video camera in 1989.
-I remember when I helped hook up the cable in 1987.
-I remember hooking up the VCR and brand new Nintendo in 1988.
– I remember getting my

first Sony walkman in 1986.
-I also remember my addiction to porn from the VCR and cable as a result of it in 1986 that spanned until 2004. (Praise God for deliverance in 2004)

Technology can be a great servant, but a terrible master- Christian Lange

Rejection, Rejection, Rejection Poem

Rejection, Rejection, Rejection

Spasing out
Tryna figure out
What is it about me?
If it wasn’t for this ink release
I’d be going crazy
Because of the rejection
That I have with in me
It’s not about me
But it is
He didn’t reject me
I reject me
Based on your opinion of me
Or is it my opinion of me
It might be my insecurities
That nags me
Stalk me
Cause me
To lose me
With in me
Yes it must be me
Or is it my past circumstances
Or the way I still look at life like it used to be
I gotta get away from me
Let Him REHAB the image of me in me
For I should look like
Full of godly love
The world may reject me
But He loves me
Therefore I love me

My My My……..Mind

I really want to remain pure

As I see you walking through the door

However, these emotions I must ignore

You ain’t tried to step on my floor

So I dig deep

Inside me

Praying to the God with in me

People think I’m crazy

Because I desire emotional purity

They want to drive me crazy

Saying, “It’s not natural to not like someone”.

But, I’m not yours

Your not mine

So therefore, like the backseat of a Maybach

I recline

Gotta keep Jesus on my mind

These emotions I reserve for my husband

This place in my heart is on guard

It’s already deceitful

It will have my emotions creepin’

Putting your last name on the back of mine

Holding hands

Wedding bells

These emotions be on their grind

Yup its him this time

Different dude every week

Different styles my eyes like to peep

Confusion in my brain

Didn’t I like that other dude yesterday

Ohh yea and Talib from last week


Remember your flesh

“He’s the one”

His style is crazy

Ohh and please say the “Baby”

So I wait

I wait

Though it feels like forever

I wait

Dr. Lindsay said “I am worth the wait”

I need a royal priest

Not a King of the Street

A brotha who loves God more than me

Can teach me and love me

A brother I’m honored to submit too

Because He loves me like Christ loves the church

Gotta keep that in the front of my mind


My mind wonders to the next dude in line

Yes, He is ohh so fine

Lord help me keep these brothas off my mind

This isn’t sexual

That’s a different course

This is emotional purity

I gotta press by force

But why can’t I just give in and let my mind and emotions light the torch

It will set a fire to my heart

Leaving me brokenhearted like Brandy

Or bustin windows like Jazmine Sullivan

Leaving me in like by myself

Or chilling with a brotha who don’t know Christ from a horse

I’d rather wit till

“Shawty swings my way”

Oh wait that was back in the day


That’s just an average day

Emotional Purity

The Christina Faith way

Class dismissed Sexual Purity will be on another day

How Not To Lead

I stayed up last night to catch the finale of Making the Band and yet again Diddy taught me how not to lead. I really sympathize for these girl because now they really are damaged. I understand they were having issues all secular girl groups do. It’s a fact! I pray for their salvation and revelation of J.C. “Wasted Talent” a song I wrote 3 years ago was inspired by them. They have an incredible talent however it is definitely wasted. Look for “Damaged Remix” by Christina Faith. I got a twist I am going to put on it. November 08 it will be available on Myspace for free download.

Tell me what you think about how Diddy handled this situation. How would you change it? 

Let's Connect

Get in touch with Christina Faith !

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