Let Him find you

So ladies, let us speak about being the pursued. I know from personal experience we live in a “New Age” that holds strong to the concept of independent women. There used to be a time when the woman was the one pursued but now we have no problem “hollering” at the man. We see something we want and we do what we need to do to get it. So we pursue the brothers. When we do this we take away purpose from the man. He was created to find us. Not the other way around. Many of us have quoted, “He that findeth a wife findeth a good thing” (Proverbs 18:22) but we forget the latter half of the verse “he obtains favour from the Lord”. Ladies we have to raise our standards. When your husband finds you, he obtains favour from the Lord. Wow! We are that special to God that when our husbands find us they get an extra bonus from God.

Let us learn to be pursued. Men by nature are hunters. They were created to find us and provide. We were created to be helpmates to them. You know the two become one. Now I am not saying be a housewife (unless that is your calling) but we have to know our positions. Let us learn to be dependent on God that our “independence” as single women does not harm our relationships in the future. We are so important to God that He wants the men to search us out like the treasures that we are.

Learning to be pursued,


P.s. brothers I got something for you all tomorrow.

Why wait? Why not date?

Good afternoon all,

So the emotional purity topics have been hitting home. Many have asked questions and made comments about how the messages have been helpful and encouraging.

Let’s talk about waiting instead of dating. What is dating? Dating is the world’s alternative for courtship. I like to describe dating as “testing the waters…without a defined yes of getting married in the near future (not 5-10 year from now)”. Dating allows you to sample the product. See if you want it. Play with it and send it back. If and when it does not meet all of your standards or there’s it’s time to go. Dating is a easy way to say I am feeling you, “I love you” or I like you but your not worth marrying to me or I am not ready now. If you are not ready, stay out of the kitchen. Dating heightens your chance for divorce as well. When you date and leave you develop low tolerance for staying committed in a relationship. You get used to breaking up. Which is “divorce” without papers.

Courtship says, “I just want what God has for me and I am welling to put in a life time of commitment to obtain what God has”. I personally have decided to “WAIT”. Now let’s not get it twisted more than a couple of brother’s have tried to court me. But I refuse to settle for “less” than what lines up with the promises of God. During my wait God has raised my standards. I don’t fall for the “okey doke” anymore. I almost feel a couple times because of impatience and lust of the eyes.

So today let us wait on the Lord for our mate and everyday remind ourselves. I am waiting because I am worth the wait. Not just sexually but emotionally as well. Dr. Ron Rannikar author of Choosing God’s Best stated, “It takes faith and courage to wait on God, “Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord’ (Psalm 27:14). Waiting for the Lord means pausing for further instructions…God always saves His best for those who are willing to wait for it” (28-29).

Loving you all,
Christina Faith

P.S. post your questions in the group or message me. Please invite your friends to the group on facebook CHRISTina FAITH Supporters ☺

You say He/She is just a friend

So I was thinking. I see a lot of females with male “friends”. Ladies we should be evaluating these relationships. We should talk to the brothers about these relationships so that we do not begin to replace our “friendship” with “invisible” companionship. At times we can use our male friends and female friends as substitutes for what we truly desire in a mate. We start hanging out, talking on the phone late nights and thinking about each other haphazardly. Be mindful not to enter into “invisible” relationship with people of the opposite sex and or same sex. By doing this we damage our relationships, hearts and emotions. Define the relationship if this is the case. Put boundaries in place to you’re your emotional purity. Check out emotionalpurity.blogspot.com on more information about maintaining emotional purity. It’s not enough just to be physically pure we must be emotionally pure.

Love ya,

"WOW it is so easy to become emotionally attached to people"

Over the last two months I have had to check my motives and interactions with two brothers in Christ in particular. As time went on I realized that I was in danger of attaching myself emotionally too them. Nothing to deep but I would find my mind wandering towards them. As I immediately attacked those thoughts and casted them down keeping my thoughts fixed on Christ. I realized WOW it is so easy to become emotionally attached to people you are physically, mentally and spiritually attracted to. Are you practicing emotional purity? Are you daydreaming about someone in particular? Are you investing time, energy and prayers for the wrong reasons? Are you flirting to get attention? Are you doing things specially for this person that you wouldn’t do for another? If you are, check those things at the gate…you are living an emotionally impure life.

Let us not commit emotional adultery, incest nor fornication. By developing unhealthy relationship in our minds or in the physical with people we know do not feel the same way about us nor desire to enter into courtship that leads to marriage. Press to keep your emotions pure!

Colossians 3:2 (New International Version)
Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things.

Resist the devil…..draw near to God

Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you double-minded. James 4:7-8

In what way have you been allowing the devil to have the upper hand on you? Have you been opening your soul and mind to his schemes through music, dance, movie, TV, conversation that is not like God? The awesome attribute of God is that God gives us the ability to resist the devil. God says if you resisT the devil and draw near to me, I will draw near to you. See all God desires is that you resist the devil, ask for forgiveness of your sins, clean your heart and not be double minded. He desires that we stop living in the world and the Kingdom. You can not serve tWo master’s. Today track your thoughts see where you are living a double life…..resist the devil and draw near to God He is waiting for you.

Drawing near to God,

Christina Faith

A Savage for Christ: Untame your FAITH

The day has finally come! Your dream is now being lived out. The biggest finance firm in the United States wants to fund your project. You’ve worked long and hard for someone just to recognize that your dream isn’t a dream its a vision, that your vision isn’t just a vision but that it is actually possible. So the phone rings! RING! Hold on cant pick it up yet, gotta show them your not sweatin it, let it ring twice more RING RING!

Finance Firm: Hello May I speak it to the vision holder
Vision Holder: This is she/he
Finance Firm: We would like to offer your 30 billion dollars to finance your project at 7% return over 30 years.
Vision Holder: Ok, are there any other terms and conditions?..
Finance Firm: Ohh yes, excuse me I almost forgot about those. They are as follows

1. Never think outside of the box
2. conform to the way it has always been done
3. Choke the Holy Spirit by being disobedient
4. Always make excuses when you are called to make change
5. Be scared of the anointing
6. Just pay your tithes, don’t make offering and please don’t name your seed
7. Pray simple, ritual prayers
8. Don’t study the word, just read it to read it
9. Honor people, money, and things more than you honor God
10. Lastly, don’t invite people to salvation just let them dwindle

Vision Holder: So I can do anything with the money as long as I adhere to your terms?
Finance Firm: Of course
Vision Holder: OK……Let me pray about it
Finance Firm: Ohh no this is a right now deal, after this conversation it expires. We simply ask you to have a tamed faith. You stick to what the church has been doing for centuries now.

What would you do? Are you already doing this?

We live in a society that has made conformity a way of life. Its like a page from a coloring book where the colors are assigned by number to a specific section and if you go outside of the lines, the world has deemed you a poor colorer. Sounds silly right well that’s what are doing to ourselves. The devil has trained us so well that he doesn’t even have to work at tempting us, we tempt ourselves, he doesn’t have to ask permission for us to sin, we sin on our own. He doesn’t even have to tell us not to pray, cuz we already don’t. Please he doesn’t have to tell us not to obey, its so apparent already that WE DON’T. But all of this can change. Are you willing to untame your faith?

Abraham was the father of faith. God told him before he changed His name as stated in Genesis 12:2-3

2 “I will make you into a great nation
and I will bless you;
I will make your name great,
and you will be a blessing.
3 I will bless those who bless you,
and whoever curses you I will curse;
and all peoples on earth
will be blessed through you.”

At the time Abram was 75 years old. All Abram had to do was obey God and think outside the box. Instead Abram listened to Sarai when she insisted on having Hagar sleep with her husband. Yo, for real imagine that. God tells you, listen son thru your seed, I’m gonna make you a ruler over nation. Any one who shows love to you, I’m gonna show love to them. But you gotta be calm, be eazy son cause its gonna take time. But instead because Abram and Sarai weren’t obedient they allowed Haggar to birth the son Ishmael. They conformed to the conventional way of birthing a child. They tamed there faith put God in a box and didn’t punch any holes. They brought misery on the house because they were worried about how old they were.

Jesus Christ, God, the Holy Spirit they are all looking for the same thing in each of us, those who will allow them to use us. John the Baptist was the greatest example of an untamed faith, this dude was a warrior. He was so different that people didnt know what to do with him. He worship, talked, looked, dressed, and spoke different nothing was “normal” about Him. We all know that he was the greatest prophet and that he baptised Jesus. But we fail to look at how he handled God keeping Him incarcerated. Image you being Jesus’ cousin. His own flesh and blood and not by resurrection but thru straight blood line and your own cousin leaving you in jail. Your cousin can open the jail from clear across the world. But instead He is at some strangers house chat, healing and chilling with them. How would you feel? Would you say Jesus forget you? Would you listen to the haters telling you He ain’t the messiah? Or would you say Jesus though you keep me incarcerated I will still love you! Though my plan is not your plan I will still call you friend. Thou people think I’m crazy, I’m going to do what you say.

Untame your faith! You may not pray like Sister Johnson. You probably don’t want to do the normal church activity, you want to take the church rock climbing. You probably don’t know why everyone is jumping around at service, instead you like to tap your foot. I encourage you to do all the things the devil will hate you for. Be obedient to God, no matter how it makes you feel. Proclaim excuses, just give the devil a use tag for me and that tag is expired. Accept to be clothed in the anointing of Christ that breaks yokes. Name that $1.00 seed ask for someone’s healing you have never met. Open up to God like never before in prayer. Break out a pad and pen while reading your bible, write down questions to ask God.


Untamed Savage full of Faith,


Prayer: Jesus I have seen the highs and the lows of life but no matter what your most undeniable love of my life. I ask that you forgive me of the sins that I have committed against you. Father I am tired of the convential way of serving you. Im disgusted at the rituals that have been created to serve you. I simply want to hit the battlefield and serve you no matter what you call me to do. Right Now Jesus place an anointing in each of us to serve you the way you want to be served. Let us serve you in variety. Let us make you THE priority. Erase the conformity in our lives and make us a fresh and A-NU. Through the Blood of Jesus. It is so!

Focus verses:
Genesis 12:2-3
Genesis 16
Acts 2:30
John 11:1-16
2 Tim 1:17
Acts 7:54-60

Ambassdor for Christ…get back on the grind!

Heyyyyyyyyyyyy Nowwwwwwwwwww Heyyyyy Nowwwwwww

Glory to God the MOST High. I am really liking this blog thing. Mostly because I am actually being consistent in it. It may change once I go back to work but I plan to use the iphone to update on m daily commute to and from work. I started my locs hence, the picture 🙂
Let me just say I have gotten caught up in the daily routine of life and have forgotten about the fact that I/We are ambassadors for Christ who are called to bring the sinners back into the reconciliation of Christ! I have been slacking on my daily grind in the Word, Meditation and Evangelism. Not to say I have stopped….but I have not been going hard like that fireeeee previously. So I pray you all keep me accountable. I am looking forward to my train rides to and from work. I can catch up on reading, evangelize, pray for some ppl I would never before have seen and just here from God. 
So I leave you with 2 Cor 5:11-21

11Therefore, being conscious of fearing the Lord with respect and reverence, we seek to win people over [to persuade them]. But [a]what sort of persons we are is plainly recognized and thoroughly understood by God, and I hope that it is plainly recognized and thoroughly understood also by your consciences (your inborn discernment).

    12We are not commending ourselves to you again, but we are providing you with an occasion and incentive to be [rightfully] proud of us, so that you may have a reply for those who pride themselves on surface appearances [[b]on the virtues they only appear to have], although their heart is devoid of them.

    13For if we are beside ourselves [mad, as some say], it is for God and concerns Him; if we are in our right mind, it is for your benefit,

    14For the love of Christ controls and urges and impels us, because we are of the opinion and conviction that [if] One died for all, then all died;

    15And He died for all, so that all those who live might live no longer to and for themselves, but to and for Him Who died and was raised again for their sake.

    16Consequently, from now on we estimate and regard no one from a [purely] human point of view [in terms of natural standards of value]. [No] even though we once did estimate Christ from a human viewpoint and as a man, yet now [we have such knowledge of Him that] we know Him no longer [in terms of the flesh].

    17Therefore if any person is [ingrafted] in Christ (the Messiah) he is a new creation (a new creature altogether); the old [previous moral and spiritual condition] has passed away. Behold, the fresh and new has come!

    18But all things are from God, Who through Jesus Christ reconciled us to Himself [received us into favor, brought us into harmony with Himself] and gave to us the ministry of reconciliation [that by word and deed we might aim to bring others into harmony with Him].

    19It was God [personally present] in Christ, reconciling and restoring the world to favor with Himself, not counting up and holding against [men] their trespasses [but cancelling them], and committing to us the message of reconciliation (of the restoration to favor).

    20So we are Christ’s ambassadors, God making His appeal as it were through us. We [as Christ’s personal representatives] beg you for His sake to lay hold of the divine favor [now offered you] and be reconciled to God.

    21For our sake He made Christ [virtually] to be sin Who knew no sin, so that in and through Him we might become [[c]endued with, viewed as being in, and examples of] the righteousness of God [what we ought to be, approved and acceptable and in right relationship with Him, by His goodness].

Emotionally Pure

So how are you all doing? I am well. Getting my flesh in check and letting the Master take control. In this culture it is encourage that we allow the flesh to take the role in the realm of relationships. We have truly lost what it is to be brother/sister and friend. Daily we are pumped with ads, songs, and media all around about relationships. These relationships are fly by night, selfishly centered and worthless. These relationships do nothing but cause us to be come emotional basket-cases. They lead us to heartache that should never take place.

I recently have been reminded how important it is to stay emotionally pure. In this new phase of my life and “interest” a lot of my old fleshy-sinfully led habits continue to attempt to rise. They are thoughts of “macking”, slick comments that can lead me to receiving that which, my flesh longs for and all out manipulation.
It is encourage by the world to enter into these relationships . It is easy to give up and submit to your flesh. There is no fight in that. The fight is in staying grounded in your faith in God. When we enter into these premature relationships we take control and let God have the back seat.
I encourage you all to “wait on God”. Put on the new man/woman and remember you are no longer the old man/woman that used to “look for love” in all the wrong places. Let us, let God be our lover and friend. So that when the one you are destined to marry and share the rest of your earthly life with is well worth the “Wait” and you can give them a clean and pure heart that no one but God has experienced.
Sexual purity is a must but emotional purity is a requirement that many are not willing to stand in, but a select few are willing to wait on God for the “chosen” vessel of love that can love us in the reflection of our Daddy.
Stay encouraged as I am that if “he” is the “one” that he would recognize it and I would wait patiently for that. If he is not Lord let my/our emotions remain pure that we may stay in Your will.


Well time is winding down and I am getting ready for an unbelievable experience. It has to be an incredible experience for all that I have been experiencing physically, mentally and emotionally. I am really understanding the nessecity of prayer. I know at times we all forget to pray without ceasing but we must press towards that consistent relationship with Christ. It’s kind of like we call on God when we need Him but we forget about Him when we want to depend on ourselves. I just want to encourage everyone that God still wants to hear from you in all situations. Let’s duplicate Jesus and do nothing unless the Father instucts. Jesus was an awesome man because He was God in the flesh. But one important thing to remember is Jesus had a model prayer life. Let’s model Jesus’ prayer life! Abide in Christ and Christ abides in You as Christ abides in the Father!


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