January 10, 2008 christinafaith

You say He/She is just a friend

So I was thinking. I see a lot of females with male “friends”. Ladies we should be evaluating these relationships. We should talk to the brothers about these relationships so that we do not begin to replace our “friendship” with “invisible” companionship. At times we can use our male friends and female friends as substitutes for what we truly desire in a mate. We start hanging out, talking on the phone late nights and thinking about each other haphazardly. Be mindful not to enter into “invisible” relationship with people of the opposite sex and or same sex. By doing this we damage our relationships, hearts and emotions. Define the relationship if this is the case. Put boundaries in place to you’re your emotional purity. Check out emotionalpurity.blogspot.com on more information about maintaining emotional purity. It’s not enough just to be physically pure we must be emotionally pure.

Love ya,

About the Author

christinafaith Author. Director. Podcaster. Entrepreneur.
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