Stop the Voices @FredyRomeroJr

You agree to what that voice in your head is telling you and you stop. You stop dreaming. You stop studying, You stop risking. You stop talking about your goals. You stop the hustle. You stop praying about it.

You just stop.

How many of you are here today? I’ve been here more times than I’d like to admit. It’s the reason my writing is so sporatic. Too often creatives listen to that questions of doubt rather than the affirmations of hope.

Fredy Romero wrote a great post about the need for affirmation and how to overwhelm the throughts of resistance and doubt with words of truth, grace and mercy.

Continue reading I Couldn’t Stop the Voices

10 Questions to Ask Before Saying Yes

Over the last 7 weeks I have had a nice amount of time to evaluate my efforts. I absolutely love helping people. However; over the last few months I’ve helped myself into debt. This debt isn’t just financial it is also a time debt. Helping people can be extremely profitable. You create amazing moments and experiences however; for the entrepreneur helping can take away from your advancement.

My actions caused me to evaluate where I spend my time and how I give information.

If you don’t value your time then you won’t move ahead as an entrepreneur.Tweet it

Much of an entrepreneurs life is trial and error. I’ve learned through these errors that the information that I have is valuable and I must spend more time developing content in order to build a passive sustainable income as an entrepreneur.

Don’t get me wrong I absolutely loved the work I did this summer but it cost me dearly. If I didn’t make the error I would not have recognized my worth. Distractions are real and they come in appealing packages. Always remember to count the cost before you say yes. I am a very giving person but you must be careful to invest in the right areas and not simply to help someone.

Here are ten questions to ask yourself before you invest your time talent and treasure:

  1. Is this my area of expertise?
  2. Will my other projects suffer?
  3. Is this where my time should be placed?
  4. Am I making an emotional decision?
  5. Will this advance my career?
  6. Am I giving a discount simply to get the business?
  7. Am I passionate about the project?
  8. Will this rob my family of my time?
  9. Is this worth the sacrifice?
  10. Am I going to put this in my portfolio?

You don’t have to be a grinch when saying no but you should be firm. Everyone will always need something but remember to ask yourself the ten questions above.

Bobbi Kristina

I am Bobbi Kristina and she is us.

I wasn’t planning on writing a blog post until the beginning of next week. I was going write a recap of the last 6 weeks with the students at Vocatio (a career prep school). Instead, the news of Bobbi Kristina passing last night struck a cord in my heart. It struck a cord not simply because she passed but the reason behind her passing. It was the drugs. Her body could not respond to the drugs that she put in her body. Seeing all the post about the situation being sad were normal in the social media world we inhabit. It is a sad situation and the Brown and Houston family need the prayers of the righteous to strengthen them during this time.

What stuck a cord about her passing was that I am her. I often sit marveling at the fact that I am a changed person. I was born to two drug addicted parents. My parents were much like Bobbi and Whitney they were functional addicts. They could handle their business and pass in life. When I was 5 years old I heard the word cocaine for the first time. Riding down the street with my grandparents and my mother they mentioned to my mother after she was fired from her high power job as an executive with a casino that she needed to get off of the cocaine. I was 5 years old and barely saw my mother because she worked around the clock and functioned as an addict. I didn’t really know my mother then I knew she was mommy but I spent most of my time with my grandmother and aunt. They were my Cissy Houston.

When I was 7 years old we moved from our big house to an apartment away from my grandparents. My mother continued to function as an addict and I began to understand what it meant to be “parentified”.

Parentification is the process of role reversal whereby a child is obliged to act as parent to their own parent.

During this time I smoked my first cigarette, stole for the first time, snuck to the store, was exposed to pornography and was molested. I know it was a tough year. Unfortunately, it only got worse and even worse to this day my mother doesn’t know half of the things I’ve experience (neither do I in most areas because I’ve blocked them). When I say I am Bobbi Kristina I can’t imagine what she was exposed to at such a young age with two high power parents who had the resources to live how they wished and get high at anytime. My father was one of the biggest drug dealers in Atlantic City. In 1993 he died of an overdose. I knew my father but I spent a limited amount of time with him. Till this day I don’t know what its like to have a father. My brother’s later followed his steps of selling and trafficking drugs for 14 years.

By the time I got to college I was drug and alcohol free. I had one rule. I don’t drink or smoke. I had that rule because after selling drugs as a kid and seeing the effects of drugs on others I didn’t want any parts of it. I was prone to become an addict. It was in my genes (generational bloodline). The first weekend of college I was away from school my friends got high and drunk. When I came back they made it sound so fun. But I still resisted. I wish I could say I resisted forever but I didn’t. Freshman year I started my journey of a functional addict. I got good grades and was involved in extra curricular ac but on the campus of Rutgers University in 2001 I began my parents. I drunk and smoked whenever I had the chance. It ruled my life for three years.

During that time I had no idea of the deep pain of rejection, shame, lack of parental love, communication and so many other deep wounds that I suffered from. We all saw the emotional pain Bobbi Kristina was suffering from on “Being Bobby Brown”. I am sure after the cameras were off and for years to come it got worse. Her parents divorced, the tabloids continually lied about her life, they scrutinized her and she had no real parental structure. If we substrate the music and media industry Bobbi Kristina’s story sounds a lot like mine and so many others I know. We are she. We are a generation of children that were raised my addicts. We are a generation of children that are bruised by parents who were and are still are hurting. We are a generation of children that the Lord Jesus must heal.

At 32 years old over the last 6 months through intense Biblical counseling I am finally getting to the root of so many of my issues. When you grow up in an emotionally or physically abusive home you carry baggage. That baggage can be transported in different ways through overachieving, acting out, addiction or attention seeking. Bobbi Kristina like so many of us needed attention from her parents. She didn’t need money; she needed love. The damage was done to her long before Whitney died.

We tend to separate celebrity lives from real lives. However; God does not do that. He sees all of us as the same. If you are like me and Bobbi Kristina struck your heart pray for her family. But I encourage you to ask yourself why and then allow the Lord to start dealing with those deep dark wounds. We all have them. My parents had/have them. Bobby and Whitney had/have them. You and I have them. If you grew up anything like me you need Jesus (If you didn’t you still need Him). I needed Jesus to give me access to the Father so that I could call on Abba Father. I needed Jesus to show me that His church was were my idea of family would be restored. I needed Jesus to tell me He loved and liked me. I needed/need Jesus to affirm me. I needed Jesus to deal with what I couldn’t and still can’t fully articulate. Your story may not be as severe as mine and Bobbi Kristina’s; but it still has wounds that need to be healed. Don’t allow the drugs, alcohol, social status and other things to validate you and help you hide from the real issues of your heart. It will only last for a moment before it all comes crashing down on you again. In that moment I pray you call on the Lord Jesus to be Your Savior and Deliever. He’s a good God waiting to restore you. I pray that Bobbi Kristina’s story opens the door to parental conversations that bring healing and restoration to families.

5 Apps to Manage Your Relationship

I will admit it I have a problem! I have a major problem managing my relationships. When my husband and I started courting I realized that I had a problem with remembering dates, things and overbooking. As time went on I realized I had a problem with that in all of my relationships. As a techie I realized that I didn’t have to have a problem with these things I could use what I had in order to manage them. Early on my husband would comment, “You need a calendar to remember to spend time with me?” Yes, I do. I have a problem. I don’t remember everything I should.

I have been an iPhone user since 2007. I was an Apple employee from 2011-2015 (one day I am going to tell you about that story). I’m probably not using all the best apps for managing my relationships but what I use works for me.

To schedule appointments, coffee meets, podcasts, church and bills. I use the calendar app on my iPhone, Macbook Pro and iPad. I remember the days when nothing would sync, then you paid $99 for a mobile me account for them to sync. These days EVERYTHING syncs through the iCloud and you can share calendars with others. I separate my calendars into Family, Business, Church and Committees that I am on. Calendar allows you to place reminders in your event, locations and invite others to the event. I use the invite feature to send others the event as well so that they don’t forget. They get the same reminders that I get.


Recently, Ted Rubin told me about an App called Refresh. Refresh is super cool. It connects to your email, calendar, and social media to give you information about a person prior to you’re meeting with them. It only gives you information based on the people whose email you have. It’s not going to just give you information about random people. Refresh allows you to know about people before you talk to them. It truly does “refresh” you for you’re gathering with them.


To make sure that I am getting “Things” done for my relationships whether business, family or pleasure I use Things to schedule my to-do list. Things is a hefty investment however; it’s worth it. It took me a few years to really get into using Things but after much deliberation the syncing capability sold me. I love sharing things on all of my platforms. Regardless of what device I use I have everything right in front of me.

Last but not least Trello is the ultimate organizational tool for business and groups. Trello is an app with a desktop companion that allows you to collaborate with people on multiple tasks. Trello brings organization to any team. When you work with a lot of people you need order and Trello does just that.

Managing relationships can be tough but if you are intentional to use apps and other things at your finger tips to make sure you are being faithful over people I am sure a weight will be released off of your back.

Developing Your Craft

It’s hard to take critique about your craft. Recently, I got some hard critique from my husband concerning my film production. It hurt but it was needed. He suggested that I spend more time investing in learning my craft. I agreed. I can definitely use some improvement. It’s easy to rest where you are or use the excuse of what you don’t have.

Instead, I choose to spend some dollars on a tutorial for lighting and coloring grading. Don’t get mad when people share their hearts about your work. It’s not always going to be peachy. I am using the critique to step it up and try different things. In the world of film it’s important to forever be learning and applying. How about in your craft?

Are you building with anxiety or patience?

Learning to wait is not easy. At times we want to jump out there and just do it like Nike. However; patience is perfect and doesn’t rush. I have an app that has been brewing in me since August 2014. I tried to learn to code. I met with people who could help put it together. I tried a lot of different ways to make it happen. But in the process I learned a few things.

  1. I’d rather the Lord build the app
  2. I want a great team
  3. I want people who believe in it regardless of pay
  4. I would rather wait than rush
  5. Empty seats are better than the wrong people

Everyone is trying to make things happen. I don’t want to go that route. I’ve been there and done than. While starting and finishing it is important to remember that patiences brings longevity. Anxiety produces a product that won’t last.

The Birds Don’t Have A Care

While away with my husband last week my heart skipped some beats because of finances. In the morning I went on the balcony with my Word and prayed to the Lord. In the midst of praying the Lord reminded me to look at the birds. As I looked at the birds I realized they had no cares.

I heard the Lord say, “If I take care of the birds why wouldn’t I take care of you?”

That moment was profound. The balcony faced the woods. All I could see were birds in their own individual areas eating. My soul began to be still as the Lord reminded me.

“I have you”.

If the cares of this world are choking you remind yourself that the Lord is in control if you allow Him to be. The weights can be lifted when we surrender our control and let Him guide us to our daily needs just as He does the birds in the air.

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<biblia:bibleverse theme=”header” resource=”nasb95″ width=”500″ reference=”Mt6.24″<blockquote style=”width:500px;””No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and wealth. &mdash; <a target=”_blank” href = “″Mt 6:24</a</blockquote</biblia:bibleverse
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Perspective on My Morning Coffee

I love coffee. It’s the third thing I consume in the morning (Braggs Apple Cider Vinegar and 8 oz of water are first). When I have my morning coffee I decide how I am going to view the day with truth or emotion. While praying and reading I tend to focus my heart on Scriptures that deal with an area I am weak in at the moment. I want to manage that weakness by applying Scripture. If my perspective is off Scripture puts me back on track. I ran out of coffee this morning and my strength was weak. In that moment I realized that its perspective. Do I see my coffee as weak or a different taste? Today instead of a medium roast I had a light roast. My coffee wasn’t weak, it was different. Perspective is everything. While working at Apple I realized my greatest intentions meant nothing if they didn’t transfer over to how people perceived my actions.

Perspective-aparticularattitudetowardorwayofregardingsomething;apoint of view



People Matter More Than Success

This world of the internet and social influence places a lot of emphasis on the number of followers you have. Over recent days I am realizing that the return on actual relationships is far greater than the number of people following you. In the midst of all of the starting and finishing remember people matter more than your success. It’s easy to chase accolades and forget that the people with you are more valuable than any success you can or will achieve. Even in the midst of a crowd of strangers know that they matter. They matter to God so they should matter to you.

We need other people.

We need friends.

We need advocates.- Jon Acuff

Here’s a link to an article I wrote on Adam Smith’s Site A Reason We Might Be Bad At Relationships

My Heart Will Not Fear

Fear is a damaging spirit. It comes in so many different forms. This last week it has been coming to me in an overwhelming way. However; I am choosing to fight back with the Word of God. Fear is a peace snatcher. You can’t live in peace and fear at the same time. I can’t imagine how Joshua felt when Moses died. Apart of him was deeply saddened but the other side was deeply excited for the next phase of his and the children of Israel’s lives. Moses led the people of Israel for 40 years and Joshua was his successor. When Joshua took the role he knew that the promise was to take the land of Canaan. Joshua saw the promise years before and believed that they could defeat the giants in the land of Canaan but the children of Israel didn’t believe; they feared.

Instead of taking a people full of fear into the land the Lord waited until that generation died off. Their fear caused them to miss the promise that God had given them. As I was being attacked by fear this week I began to think of all the verses that related to fear. Instead of living in fear I was and am determined to face fear head on. I recently launched a GoFundMe for mission trips and immediately I began to fear that they would not be funded. I saw God do it in Feburary however; I feared he wouldn’t do it again. Fear is a false reality of appearing real. (i.e. a liar)

Joshua must have had a crazy battle with fear because the Lord told him several times not to be fearful.

“Be strong and courageous, for you shall give this people possession of the land which I swore to their fathers to give them. “Only be strong and very courageous; be careful to do according to all the law which Moses My servant commanded you; do not turn from it to the right or to the left, so that you may have success wherever you go. “This book of the law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it; for then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have success. “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous! Do not tremble or be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” – Joshua 1:6-9

The Lord’s instructions to Joshua were to be courageous and strong. He was set up for propserity if he kept the law and didn’t become dismayed (fearful). We are all set up for success as well but we have the same instructions. In order to live a life of peace when fear comes we must stay in the Word of the Lord. The Word is our weapon. The Psalmist encourages us to not allow our hearts to fear even when an army is surrounding us (Psalm 27:3). Paul reminds us by way of Timothy “For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind”. (2 Timothy 1:7). When I woke up this morning I was reminded that God didn’t give me the spirit of fear and anything that God didn’t give I dont have to receive.

We receive negative spirits when we accept them as real. If God is moving upon your heart to trust Him don’t allow fear to snatch God’s heart away from you. Jesus isn’t looking for perfect vessels He is looking for vessels that are willing to be molded. Look fear in its face and scream at it. Fear only has the authority you give it in your life. I am choosing to trust the Lord instead of the fear that is speaking to me. The Holy Spirit was left for us not to be troubled. Daily I am learning more and more that God has truly provided everything we need to live fruitful and victorious lives in His Kingdom if we would simply yield to the process.

“But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all that I said to you.“Peace I leave with you; My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Do not let your heart be troubled, nor let it be fearful.(John 14:26–27)



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