October 9, 2014 christinafaith

Are you doing TOO much?


Your doing too much! If your a creative you have probably heard that very often. At times it’s a wake up call and at times it’s a reminder that you are right on track. At this moment in life I am working on being consistent & producing a greater quality of work.

All these ideas are racing through my head wanting to come out. However; it is so imperative that I do what is needed in this moment rather than everything I think about. The same concept applies to social media. We often do TOO much! Instead of being productive we waste our most valuable hours checking likes, follows and tweets. Is that you? I know it was me. I’ve been reading “Manage Your Day-to-Day: Build Your Routine, Find Your Focus, and Sharpen Your Creative Mind” (The 99U Book Series) and it has been a hard challenge for me. The amazing people at 99U have identified our creative thief. THE INTERNET. We check our email, tweets, texts, Facebook etc thousands of times a day. I have been a victim of social media addiction.

Over the last 2 weeks I have done a social experiment on myself. From the hours of 10-4pm I have stopped texting & engaging social media networks unless it’s valuable to what I am working on. I alerted my friends, family, and added the Self Control app to block Facebook and gmail. This simple adjustment in my daily schedule has skyrocketed my focus & productivity. I adjusted my chores, errands and doctors appointments as well. I noticed that when I used the early part of the morning and day to do these tasks that I wasn’t productive when I sat down to write, edit, plan or learn.

I believe that many of us are doing TOO much in our social media lives. We are not as productive as we attempt to showcase on these networks. Unless you are getting paid to run your social media accounts than you are on them too much. I love looking at what people are doing but I am more concerned with how am I spending my hours the Lord has entrusted to me. Are you doing too much? As a first step. Check your battery usage in settings. See what apps are using the most power. Remove the notifications from your phone’s alert system. I will leave you with this quote from Christian Lange “Technology is a useful servant but a dangerous master.” Has technology mastered you? All things are lawful for me, but not all things are profitable. All things are lawful for me, but I will not be mastered by anything.

About the Author

christinafaith Author. Director. Podcaster. Entrepreneur.
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