October 12, 2009 christinafaith

Drama in my HOUSE

If you know anything about me you know I love dramas. My favorite television shows are Law and Order, Closer and Lie to Me. I have watched Law and Order since the age of 8. I can remember being in my grandparent’s room completely mesmerized by this series. Recently, I’ve begun to watch HOUSE. I love this show. The main characters heart is full of hurt and failures. In order to compensate for those character flaws he uses the practice of medicine to fix others in turn compensating for his failures. House denies that God exist. In turn playing god in his garden of medicine.

I then began to wonder. “How am I playing god?” Often, we attempt to cover up the hurt in our hearts with hobbies, sarcasm, busyness and other means of false fulfillment. The drama in our house (soul and body) has less to do with the actions that cover them up and more about allowing God to deal with the drama in our house. Currently HOUSE is in psychiatric hospital where he is being held hostage by blackmail. The psychiatrists want HOUSE to deal with his issues. Has God put you in an unfamiliar and uncomfortable situation that is forcing you to deal with the drama in your house? He has definitely put me in that position.

It is difficult! But, it’s worth it! Allow God to clean your house. He desires nothing more than for your inside to be as beautiful as your outside. Why cover up your junk? Allow God to remove the junk and cobwebs from your house. Many people have cried out “Create in me a clean heart, O God, And renew a steadfast spirit within me”. (Psalm 51:10) However, He can not do so until you allow Him to expose how you are playing god in the garden of your heart.

About the Author

christinafaith Author. Director. Podcaster. Entrepreneur.
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