June 16, 2009 christinafaith

I Kissed A Girl!?!?

This walk is incredibly challenging. It’s not “HARD” in a sense that it is impossible. He said His yoke is easy. However, it does take a consistent self-evaluation of all of your motives and actions. Recently, I have been going over all my relationships. I truly desire to love as God loved. 1 Cor 13 is a straight forward hit to the heart daily. You cannot be selfish and bitter living in that scripture daily.

Katy Perry a new artist recently wrote a song called “I kissed a girl”. Originally I was completely disgusted with the song. But then I started to analyze the song. Often, we reject songs simply because they go against the will of God. However, I’ve learned to compare the Word with the song and see what is really going on. Is the song about the sin or are there deeper issues. What is the root? What was the writer’s intention? How are the kids filtering it? Where does the sin live in my life?

It came to my mind that in relationship we can kiss each other. I am not talking about a physical kiss from opposite or same sex. I am referring to allowing our relationships to be emotional placeholders for our longings and loneliness. As human beings we are designed to love and often we allow our relationships with one another to take the place of our desire for human companionship. While in a party Katy Perry sang, “I don’t even know your name, it doesn’t matter You’re my experimental game, just human nature It’s not what good girls do, not how they should behave My head gets so confused, hard to obey”. How often do we allow our human nature to experiment with human beings?

Outwardly, were friends but inwardly our brothers and sisters become our “companions”. There is nothing wrong with brother and sister relationships however, we must guard our hearts and fight for healthy relationships. Often, we act like we have it all together and we know how to be friends, however; we do not. We are learning how to be true friends in Christ. Our friendships do not just happen they develop. In our developing we must learn how to love one another. Love is patient, kind, it is not jealous, envious and it forgets no account of wrong. How often do we treat our friends/siblings as placeholders for “love” when we should be leaning and depending on God?

Do we call our friends before we consult with God regarding issues? Do we look to our friends to help us escape the loneliness in our hearts? Are we jealous when our friends pay more attention to someone else when we are around? Are we allowing our relationships to prevent us from learning to wait on God?

Katy Perry is not only a victim of sexual perversion. She is also a victim of “I want someone now”. Whether it is physically or emotionally. In Genesis 19:30-38 Lots daughters took it upon themselves to use their father as a placeholder for their husband. The daughters slept with their father and conceived children. They had absolutely no shame for their acts. So much so that they named their children with names that reflected their father. Lots daughters failed to wait on God for their mate. When God is the source of your satisfaction and longings you do not have to depend on your own actions to provide emotional security.

In the past our relationships have been self-centered and a source of our personal completion. In Christ we should be striving to out love each other. When the love of God is your source of motivation in relationships you do not have to “Kiss a girl” because your flesh likes it. God did not design relationships for personal pleasure but instead for Him to teach us how to love. Instead of seeking relationships for your own pleasure pursue God as the source of your joy and happiness. Let us strive daily to out love each other simply because we want to love like God loves and have relationships that are built and sustained on pure motives (Eph 2:19-22).

About the Author

christinafaith Author. Director. Podcaster. Entrepreneur.
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