May 7, 2015 christinafaith

Let the Light In

This week has been an amazing experience of grace and knowing that God’s heart is to fix broken people and things. I am broken and everyone knows it. You are as well. That’s the crazy thing about life is that we are all broken but those that realize they are broken and open up to being fixed by the Holy Spirit in fellowship are the ones that win at life.

I want to win at life. The times that I have not won at life are the times that I crawl into this little space and run from my faith. I’ve started to pray some crazy prayers.

  • Jesus expose my darkness
  • Holy Spirit talk to me
  • Jesus fix me

I am very aware that I’m dirty. That’s never been the issue but I don’t understand the magnitude of my filth and I want to. I won’t condemn myself but I will praise Him that He loves me enough to send honest people into my life that aren’t moved by my talents or anything else to tell me the truth about me.

I want to know the truth. I want to know where I fall short so that I can stand back up. This process won’t be easy but it will be worth it. I ask a lot of guest on the show what their biggest struggles are often. Today I asked myself that question. My biggest struggle is me. I have lived a life full of trials and those trials often create walls and I need those walls to fall down. The great thing about Jesus is that He looks at your issues and says, “I knew all of that and I still love you”. He sent this amazing person called the Holy Spirit to dwell inside of me to help me with these issues.

Daily we are all being made to look like Him if we yield to the process. Open Up and let the light in.


About the Author

christinafaith Author. Director. Podcaster. Entrepreneur.
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