January 7, 2009 christinafaith

My Rib Shall Return -+

Daniel Okafor
Prayertry – My Rib Shall Return -+

Sweet Heart I know your out there, I can feel It
My left side is tingling and I know why
God formed you from my side
I can feel it inside

God’s physics will bring us back in HIS perfect Synchronization
It’ll be like old times, we’ll take the Nations

I recognize you in Spirit for within you dwells the Glory of the Eternal ONE
Do you remember now? I am HIS son
He created us as ONE

One Flesh, One Blood, One Flood
Overflowing with Light in the midst of the Night
Remember where we’re from? There was no NIGHT
We could Run, Jump, even take FLIGHT

Don’t fret, No regrets
For the FATHER of LIGHTS never Forgets
He alone, is the one that Sets

Unions and Communions

You and I
King and Queen
Pristine in the Unseen

Unseen to the Natural Eye
He Opens up Spiritual Skys
For You and I

By Now it’s resonating DEEP within you
You feel it, Don’t you

Like two magnets We attract and retract
Back to that which was, is, and will be
You’ll See, I PROMISE you’ll see

Till then I’ll be letting patience have her perfect work
Don’t stress God’s timing is best, it always works


Your Rib Cage

I’ll Always protect you my LOVE -+

About the Author

christinafaith Author. Director. Podcaster. Entrepreneur.
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