No Mediocre


Lately I’ve been extremely observant of how people respond to the blessings of God.

What has popped in my head is the hook of TI’s song “No mediocre”. The actual song is anything but amazing however; the concept when placed in the hands of the Lord is revolutionary.

God doesn’t want mediocrity from us. I’ve seen so many people settle at the mountain top simply to look at the view. The mountain top isn’t the only benefit of the mountain. Inside of the mountain are rivers, animals, food, gold, diamonds etc. What do we do with the opportunities God gives? Do we simply look at them like a diamond engagement ring or do we grab hold of what He’s doing? I know I’ve lived in a deep underlying fear over the last 8 years waiting to see the top of the mountain instead of seeing the resources of the mountain available to me NOW.

How about you? What are you afraid of? Are we waiting around for the opportunity when it has already arrived? Are we lost in what we think it will look like? Are we living in false humility denying our God empowered gifting the ability to be developed, fine tuned and expanded?

The definition of mediocre is: of only ordinary or moderate quality; neither good nor bad; barely adequate.

It doesn’t mean that you don’t do anything or that you aren’t attempting but that you have failed to fulfill your potential ability. Instead of settling for the mountain top let’s dig into the mountain and discover the true economy of God. It’s greater than what we have been expecting or desiring to see.

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