July 30, 2009 christinafaith

Organic Food


So I recently moved in with one of my bf’s and she is like a organic nut. I had a rude awakening the first day we went shopping and a lesson on patients. She reads the back of every box to see what it contains. I started shopping for my household when I was 11 years old by myself so I am a skilled shopper at the age of 26. I can find the deals, get in and get out. I never looked at the back of products. For what?!!! Just clean, cook and eat lol. To make a long story short, I’ve discovered Trader Joe’s and Whole Foods on a greater level. Organic food ROCKS.

The bf/roomie went to Pathmark and got some fruits and veggies on Tuesday. When she brought them in the house I was SUPER excited bc of the cherries. (also a new addiction of mine). I ate the first one and to my surprise it doesn’t taste like the organic ones. YUCK what is this I thought. OHHH its not organic. All this to say I am really digging the food changes in my life. ORGANIC rocks. I gave her a lot of slack about it in the beginning. Forgive me CHADDY I take it all back.

The new organic lover

P.S. currently snacking on the organic cherries I went out of my way to stop at Trader Joe’s yesterday to buy lol. Oh I ate the whole container already….ooops

About the Author

christinafaith Author. Director. Podcaster. Entrepreneur.
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