February 17, 2010 christinafaith

What's stopping your seek?

I think. I think a lot, I really do. While reading through the bible it has really forced me to question my motives and heart concerning a lot what I desire.

One of the most important aspects of the bible is Israel’s history of the kings. Each King had the exact assignment. However, each King had to decide whom they would seek. Would they seek the Lord or would they seek their own desires and do evil in the site of the Lord?

Let’s take Rehoboam for example. He sought the Lord. However, “when the kingdom of Rehoboam was established and strong, he and all Israel with him forsook the law of the Lord”. 2 Chronicles 12:1

This got me to thinking. At first I was fleshly and self-righteous. “You stupid King!” Was my thought. As though I am not capable of the very same thing.

As humans we praise God and pray most in the tough times. We are very reactive. When things are going great. We let up on our seek however, when things are hard-pressed on each side we want to seek God more fervently. We desire to hear from Him because the pain is unbearable or our hearts hurt and need to be healed.

But what happens after God has answered our prayers? After everything our hearts cry out for is given to us. Do we continue to seek the Lord or do we become like Rehoboam and turn away from the Lord after He has established us?

The answer is seen in 2 Chronicles 12:14 “He did evil because he did not set his heart to seek the Lord”. It is important to continually check y(our) hearts. Is our heart continually set on the Lord. After we get what we have prayed for, that husband/wife, house, job, salvation of our family members or the fulfillment of a prophecy do we still seek the Lord?

In all honesty it is my greatest fear that once I receive the fulfillment of the promises of God that I will I turn away. In order to combat the strength of my flesh I must continually set my heart on the Lord. It’s a daily process. Everything in this world desires to pull us away from “seeking first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness”. The combating principality doesn’t want us to receive “all things being added”. Our confidence as those who seek Jesus Christ is that He will answer those who diligently seek Him with all their heart. Will you seek the Lord? What’s stopping your seek? Leave comments please.

Love you. Be encouraged. This momentarily light affliction can not compare to the future glory!

About the Author

christinafaith Author. Director. Podcaster. Entrepreneur.
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