7 Ways To Measure Success

There seems to be this idea in the world that if we copy formulas that other people have used we will receive the same amount of success they have. I am here to tell you that it’s not true. Formulas aren’t what people follow. People follow value. If you are providing someone value they will embrace you. If you are not offering value they will skip over you. Society allows for many get rich quick schemes and viral instant celebrities. However; those rare moments shouldn’t be our priorities. We have to ask ourselves a few question before we start projects and while we are in the midst of them.


What does success look like to me?

What do numbers mean to me?

Am I adding value to people?

Am I lusting for attention?

Am I selling things I love or am I just trying to make money?

Am I measuring success against someone elses?

Am I being truly patient about my idea of success or do I want it now?


Recently,  I heard Jefferson Bethke speak about the first 3 weeks of his video going viral as the worse time of his life. He went on to speak about how our human souls weren’t created for overnight success. We often have the idea that if we can just get an investor, become a viral senstation, or win the lottery everything in our lives will be better. However; that isn’t true. We were designed with purpose. There is something unique about you that only you can provide to the world. You won’t be able to manufactuer it. Are you using what you have or are you wishing you had what someone else has. Don’t allow your eyes wandering to remove your focus for what you are called to do. Your idea of success is unique to you. Stay in your lane you were purposed to ride in it.

Why You Should Do What You Love

Last night Adam Smith blog had a conference. While we were on the conference call he encouraged us to Write With Heart. Those words rang in my ear and echoed from the first time that he said them to me on a podcast interview we recently recorded. The same words were echoed in the January’s edition of Inc, magazine by Peter Diamandis. He encouraged entreprenuers to “do what you’re passionate about, because that’s when you do your best work”.

In this crowded world everyone has something to say. What will set you apart from the crowd? Doing things with heart will set you apart. I have launched a lot of ventures. As a serial entrepreneur while exploring, building and launching you discover what you are passionate about. After launching a food business last year I realized that I am extremely passionate about food, fitness and the quality of food. However; I quickly learned that my vision was larger than my current abilities. I desire to own restaurant fitness centers not a per meal plan service. I couldn’t do it with heart. So I stopped.

Doing it with heart requires:

  1. Passion – If you aren’t deeply passionate about your venture it is going to be extremely hard to see continued success. A friend of mine owns a photography/film company like my husband and I. He is not passionate about weddings but he is extremely passionate about business. For him his passion for business and creativity allows him to shoot 48 weddings a year with love.
  2. Purpose – If you don’t know the purpose behind why you do what you do it will be extremely hard to do it with heart. Define what you are doing and why? The why behind it keeps you focused on what you are doing.
  3. Goal – If you don’t have a plan with goals you won’t do it with heart long. Goals measure if you are headed in the right direction. Goals help us to push when our hearts grow weary. Goals remind you the process is valueable when we want to quit

Launching out into the deep of a dream is an act of faith and an emotional experience. When we do what we are passionate about it feels less like work and more like purpose. Although the road seems long you will be able to keep going forward regardless of the obstacles when you do it with heart.

3 Ways to Connect with Influencers

I am extremely big on connection. Many of my friends call me the connector. I make it my responsibility to get to know people and to know more about them. My learning about people is in order to learning from them.


As a writer I have spent a few weeks getting to know Jeff Goin through his book Your Are A Writer (So Start Acting Like One) and Blog.

As a director I’ve spent about 12 months researching and learning about Ava Duvernay and her distribution company AFFRM.

As a Social Media expert I’ve spent a large part of the latter half of 2014 learning about Guy Kawasaki.


Many stop at learning about people; I believe in attempting to connect with those you are learning from. You shouldn’t connect only for personal gain but to find out how you can help them as well. Recently, Guy Kawasaki emailed those who attended a Google Hangout he and Peg Fitz Patrick hosted a copy of their new book The Art of Social Media on kindle for free in exchange for your email address. I was completely ecstatic. I was recently gifted the hardcover edition of it but I wanted the digital copy.

I emailed Guy back with gratitude and asked him if I could do anything for him. He asked that I do a good Amazon review. That is the least that I can do; the book is amazing! After a few emails I realized this was a chance to invite Guy on my Podcast. For 30 minutes I was nervous and fearful; then while cooking dinner I picked up my iPad and emailed Guy with an ask. He said, “Sure connect with Kate”.

We often think that people are completely untouchable when they have a level of influence. However; social media and email gives us the chance to reach out and touch our mentors from a distance. Here are three ways to connect with influencers.

  1. SAY HELLO – I know this is a hard one but it all begins with a hello. Don’t be afraid to say hello and ask a person how they are doing on social media. It is so important to build rapport with influencers you are connecting with.
  2. ASK TO HELP – After you say hello ask the connector if they need help with anything. If one of there articles, books, podcast inspired or provoked change in you share it. Sharing is caring.
  3. ASK QUESTIONS – I am good for asking questions. I don’t ask a lot of them but I will ask questions through email or a tweet. Please note: Don’t ask a lot of questions all at once unless you are interested in hiring them for consultation.

I was recently told not to take my boldness as unimportant. In the midst of securing Guy for a podcast I realized that so many people that desire to connect with influencers are afraid and fearful. The least people can do is say, “NO” or not respond. I would rather try then never have tried and regretted that I did not. What influencers will you be connecting with this month?

5 Things To Consider Before Quitting Your Job for A Start Up

In 2008 I left my job. It was the greatest step of faith that I ever took. I knew in my heart that the Lord was calling me to leave. I didn’t trust the Lord but I told Him I would learn to trust Him. When I quit my job I had an idea of the arena He was preparing for me in the realm of media and writing but I didn’t really understand what was happening. But that was the point. Leaving my job with the state of New Jersey was big for me. I was comfortable. I got payed extremely well. Besides student loans I was debt free. I had just finished fixing my credit. I had just produced a successful play and was in the process of launching my first book. I was optimistic about everything. I was on a faith journey. However; I had a few major flaws that I have learned from. After 4 years of being self employed I had to go back to work. Obviously, the Lord had another plan for me and more for me to learn. I had been so broke during those times that I was excited to have a new pay check. It didn’t hurt that I got hired by Apple. I filled out hundreds of applications and Apple was the only company that hired. God definitely had a plan of action for me. We will get to that later in this blog series.


When I left the state of New Jersey I had a car payment and a house. By July of that year I could no longer pay the rent. By August I could no longer pay the car payment. Before I got deep into self employment I had lost it all. But I knew God called me down this road. I didn’t know all the bumps in the road but I was sure He was doing something. As a start up my partner and I went in head first. We took every design, film and photography job that came our way. Years later we discovered this was the wrong thing to do. Here are a few things I would have done different before quitting my job in 2008.


  1. SAVE MORE- I would have saved a lot more money than I did. I took all my excess and paid off my debts, purchased equipment and gave abundantly prior to leaving. I would not have changed the giving and equipment piece. The equipment was great collateral, it was how we made a living and the giving was God’s heart. Now the debt on the other hand could have waited and been managed more effectively. I would have saved at least 3-6 months worth of my earnings to give myself a better cushion.
  2. LEARN ABOUT BUSINESS – I would have learned more about business and people management. The greatest thing I have learned from working at Apple and running my company is people matter and they pay for what they value. We made way too many deals. We charged too low. We didn’t value our own work. It takes money to run a business and produce great content. Business is business. It seems harsh but you can’t go into McDonald’s and ask for a deal unless they provided the coupon. Learn more about business before you leave. It will help you in the long run.
  3. NETWORK – We did a lot of networking. But we did it with people we were similar too. Network with clients and people that are where you are going not just where you are. Advertise to the niche audience you have and desire to have.
  4. DOCUMENT EVERYTHING – We should have documented everything from Start to Finish. One day I will go back to my journals and read of my spiritual journey but the first 4 years of my business journey are missing. I am currently using Day One to document my days. We learned so much during those 4 years. We had a lot of failures and accomplishments. If we would have documented those things we could have added value to people on our blog daily and helped them not make the same mistakes we did.
  5. MONETIZE PRODUCTS – We were launching a completely service based business. The problem with providing services is you are always waiting for your next check. If we would have had products to offer we would have been receiving passive residual income. We should have had a plan of action to create products along the way that would have benefitted our audience and clients.

These were just some of the things I thought about. Thank you for reading this post. I recently had a conversation with John Saddington over at the Desk App about my entrepreneurial goals as a writer. Through our conversation I was able to better define how I wanted to add value to people. From Start to Finish I desire to add value to people’s lives and help them achieve their goals. All of our post from here on out will surround how to fulfill your God given dreams. We were designed to Start and Finish everything we put our hands to. By finishing we grow (spirit, soul and body). I look forward to growing with you.

The New Year Is Here

The new year is rounding the corner and for some it’s a time of reflection. While on the phone with Deer Park I had a brief moment of reflection. As I am listening to the guy take my request I wondered if he is content or designed to work at Deer Park. I know when I was working as a 9-1-1 operator and child abuse social worker the phones drove me crazy at times. While sitting stagnant taking inbound calls every moment in bettwen was filled with considering what I would be doing if I wasn’t at work.


I am sure that many of you reading this post aren’t content with your jobs or the use of your talents. I am sure when you look in the mirror you think of all the things you would like improve about your physical frame (say no to plastic surgery). Can I ask you this question? What is stopping you? I am sure it’s either procrastination, fear, doubt, or both. This year I have been afforded the opportunity to do with my time as I desired without worrying about where my next check was coming from however; before that time I was plotting my escape. I have never been content at any job that I have worked. Everyday I woke up with the mindset that I am one day closer to working for myself. One day closer to being a full time writer and director. One day closer to being finanically free. One day closer to allowing the Lord to form and shape my day. One day closer to losing the next inch off  my body (I am 4 inches down from last year this time). One day closer to spending more time in the Word and prayer. One day closer to being made in His image.


How do you wake up? In 2015 make it your daily responsibility to complete what you started and fulfill your God given purpose. Don’t allow yourself to sabatoge the plans of God in this new season. It’s time to be productive and consistent. What are your plans for 2015?

Social Media Changes


I’ve recently been in the process of changing my social media habits. I have had a lot of time to think & pray over the last few months about what it is I am to be doing. In the process of dumbing down my life I’ve learned the importance of my social media image.


Social media is an incredible tool. I’ve been socially active on networks since 2005. If you include the forum and aim years I have been at this since 1997. Early on I was a Christian rapper and journalist. I wrote about purity, music and life. As the years and my maturity changed I shifted into the media and writing realm. After a while I took a major step back from social media & creativity. I didn’t post much besides food & workouts. I didn’t accept creative projects unless they were weddings. For a very long time I have felt that social media hasn’t been social. Many are posting the same kind of pictures, quotes, memes and just a bunch of nothing.

As I stated on the podcast and blog over a month ago many have become consumers & number hunters. There is no accountability in the social media realm so anything goes. I don’t to take part in that style of social media. Instead, I am working on a consistent strategy. I want to be social with people on the internet. I believe that we can encourage each other in our walk and dreams (grind).

I recently converted my Facebook over to a page. I didn’t quite know how I wanted to classify myself. Writer, Director or Entreprenuer? I decided to select entreprenuer. In a matter of 20 minutes I was a “public figure” according to facebook. I instantly had +5k likes. That was incredible. I have wanted to build a new facebook page for quite a while. When Mr. Mike Street told me about the conversion process it was final.

I downloaded and erased my social media life in 20 minutes. I didn’t truly understand what I was doing. I knew that I couldn’t add anyone but I didn’t understand the implication of changing profiles. As a “page” I now can’t see everyone’s feed. I can’t like statues. You can’t troll former posts and pictures. I am simply a page that other’s enjoy the things that I post. This was a major decision for me.

In the midst of that I automated my twitter and facebook to link together. I find interesting articles concerning Christianity, Writing, Technology, Current Events and Relationships to post 10 times a day. All of these changes are for my well being and yours. I have been writing a book for a while and I desire to be published. In order to be published I have to have a social media influence. The changes have been impactful. My networks are growing and people are interacting. If you are reading this blog then you are apart of that engagement. (Thank You!)

I take time out throughout my day to DM, reply, comment, like and be present in social media. I know how it feels not to be answered. People aren’t simply numbers they are important and they matter. I truly hope that my social media changes bring us all closer to the Lord and His will for our lives. I am looking forward to continually sharing my journey with you all.

PS: Hey if you have a publisher friend let me know. I would love to engage with them. Not just to get a deal but to know them as a person. Everyone has great value. Not because of what they do but who they are.

My Workflow

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I have been asked about my workflow a lot lately. One of the main topics that come up is how do a I get everything done? Let me first say I am really bad at remembering to do things. I walk up the stairs and I forget what I went up the stairs for.

In order to stay productive I have finally got a workflow that works for me. For years I have had the app Things by Culture Code. I tried to use it a couple times but I didn’t develop a consistent workflow with it. Recently, I desired to take a crack at a better project manager app. I have so many projects going at one time that I needed helping staying focused and getting things done in a timely fashion.

Culture Code recently released the iPad and iPhone version of Things for free the week of Thanksgiving. I purchased the iPhone version years ago and got the desktop version through my company a few years back. The initial reason I did not use Things was I didn’t want to spend $20 on a iPad version after I spent $10 on the iPhone version and the desktop version cost $50. To get Things up and running on all platforms its $80.

In order for any app to work for me it must be available on all my platforms. I dislike apps not syncing automatically. Things completely makes sense for me now. I was fortunate to have gotten Things for all the platforms for free but now that I have used it consistently for the last 4 weeks I now see the value of spending $80 to get my life together.

Things is WORTH the money! Things works for me due to it’s ability to organize by project, due dates, reschedule, incoporate reminders, and it’s available cross platform.

The only critique I have regarding things is the cost. But once again it’s worth the investment.

Are you doing TOO much?


Your doing too much! If your a creative you have probably heard that very often. At times it’s a wake up call and at times it’s a reminder that you are right on track. At this moment in life I am working on being consistent & producing a greater quality of work.

All these ideas are racing through my head wanting to come out. However; it is so imperative that I do what is needed in this moment rather than everything I think about. The same concept applies to social media. We often do TOO much! Instead of being productive we waste our most valuable hours checking likes, follows and tweets. Is that you? I know it was me. I’ve been reading “Manage Your Day-to-Day: Build Your Routine, Find Your Focus, and Sharpen Your Creative Mind” (The 99U Book Series) and it has been a hard challenge for me. The amazing people at 99U have identified our creative thief. THE INTERNET. We check our email, tweets, texts, Facebook etc thousands of times a day. I have been a victim of social media addiction.

Over the last 2 weeks I have done a social experiment on myself. From the hours of 10-4pm I have stopped texting & engaging social media networks unless it’s valuable to what I am working on. I alerted my friends, family, and added the Self Control app to block Facebook and gmail. This simple adjustment in my daily schedule has skyrocketed my focus & productivity. I adjusted my chores, errands and doctors appointments as well. I noticed that when I used the early part of the morning and day to do these tasks that I wasn’t productive when I sat down to write, edit, plan or learn.

I believe that many of us are doing TOO much in our social media lives. We are not as productive as we attempt to showcase on these networks. Unless you are getting paid to run your social media accounts than you are on them too much. I love looking at what people are doing but I am more concerned with how am I spending my hours the Lord has entrusted to me. Are you doing too much? As a first step. Check your battery usage in settings. See what apps are using the most power. Remove the notifications from your phone’s alert system. I will leave you with this quote from Christian Lange “Technology is a useful servant but a dangerous master.” Has technology mastered you? All things are lawful for me, but not all things are profitable. All things are lawful for me, but I will not be mastered by anything.

The Authentic Podcast: The Lust of Desire

Do you have a desire? Is it the right desire? Are you lusting and desiring something that isn’t yours? Check out this weeks podcast as we talk about the cost of desire.

The Walls Group feat. Brandy- God on my mind
Middle Clash- Gotham Fog
Natalie Lauren- Get Up
Campus House Worship-= Set a Fire/Fill Me Up

All instrumentals Stussy & Soulection

Let's Connect

Get in touch with Christina Faith !

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