"Bon Appetite'"

Think about what you have been eating spiritually, relationally, emotionally and physically. I don’t know about you but it feels like I’ve been pumping myself with junk food. I see God on the other side. He’s like the best of the best organic food on the planet. If you eat His food you will flourish and grow in all that you do (Joshua 1). What does your appetite look like? Is it for God or is it for whatever you want it to be for? I want to feast on God (Psalm 119). Not my own appetite that smothers me with flattering speech and tells me its fine just consume whatever you want. Let our report be that we were wise and obedient. Develop a vision for what is that real deal the “Bon Appetite'” it tastes good, looks good and is certified grade “A” approved by the Master.

For such men are slaves, not of our Lord Christ but of their own appetites; and by their smooth and flattering speech they deceive the hearts of the unsuspecting. For the report of your obedience has reached to all; therefore I am rejoicing over you, but I want you to be wise in what is good and innocent in what is evil. (Romans 16:18-19)

Drama in my HOUSE

If you know anything about me you know I love dramas. My favorite television shows are Law and Order, Closer and Lie to Me. I have watched Law and Order since the age of 8. I can remember being in my grandparent’s room completely mesmerized by this series. Recently, I’ve begun to watch HOUSE. I love this show. The main characters heart is full of hurt and failures. In order to compensate for those character flaws he uses the practice of medicine to fix others in turn compensating for his failures. House denies that God exist. In turn playing god in his garden of medicine.

I then began to wonder. “How am I playing god?” Often, we attempt to cover up the hurt in our hearts with hobbies, sarcasm, busyness and other means of false fulfillment. The drama in our house (soul and body) has less to do with the actions that cover them up and more about allowing God to deal with the drama in our house. Currently HOUSE is in psychiatric hospital where he is being held hostage by blackmail. The psychiatrists want HOUSE to deal with his issues. Has God put you in an unfamiliar and uncomfortable situation that is forcing you to deal with the drama in your house? He has definitely put me in that position.

It is difficult! But, it’s worth it! Allow God to clean your house. He desires nothing more than for your inside to be as beautiful as your outside. Why cover up your junk? Allow God to remove the junk and cobwebs from your house. Many people have cried out “Create in me a clean heart, O God, And renew a steadfast spirit within me”. (Psalm 51:10) However, He can not do so until you allow Him to expose how you are playing god in the garden of your heart.

Mind Drift-Shift


Fairy tales, fantasy’s, dreams of what it could be.
Snap back.
Stand Firm let the enemy know its no longer his turn.
Back 2 His reality.
Nope, Not this one.
Not this time.
Never again.
Emotional Purity.
No Fairy tales, fantasy’s, dreams of what it could be.

Organic Food


So I recently moved in with one of my bf’s and she is like a organic nut. I had a rude awakening the first day we went shopping and a lesson on patients. She reads the back of every box to see what it contains. I started shopping for my household when I was 11 years old by myself so I am a skilled shopper at the age of 26. I can find the deals, get in and get out. I never looked at the back of products. For what?!!! Just clean, cook and eat lol. To make a long story short, I’ve discovered Trader Joe’s and Whole Foods on a greater level. Organic food ROCKS.

The bf/roomie went to Pathmark and got some fruits and veggies on Tuesday. When she brought them in the house I was SUPER excited bc of the cherries. (also a new addiction of mine). I ate the first one and to my surprise it doesn’t taste like the organic ones. YUCK what is this I thought. OHHH its not organic. All this to say I am really digging the food changes in my life. ORGANIC rocks. I gave her a lot of slack about it in the beginning. Forgive me CHADDY I take it all back.

The new organic lover

P.S. currently snacking on the organic cherries I went out of my way to stop at Trader Joe’s yesterday to buy lol. Oh I ate the whole container already….ooops

I Kissed A Girl!?!?

This walk is incredibly challenging. It’s not “HARD” in a sense that it is impossible. He said His yoke is easy. However, it does take a consistent self-evaluation of all of your motives and actions. Recently, I have been going over all my relationships. I truly desire to love as God loved. 1 Cor 13 is a straight forward hit to the heart daily. You cannot be selfish and bitter living in that scripture daily.

Katy Perry a new artist recently wrote a song called “I kissed a girl”. Originally I was completely disgusted with the song. But then I started to analyze the song. Often, we reject songs simply because they go against the will of God. However, I’ve learned to compare the Word with the song and see what is really going on. Is the song about the sin or are there deeper issues. What is the root? What was the writer’s intention? How are the kids filtering it? Where does the sin live in my life?

It came to my mind that in relationship we can kiss each other. I am not talking about a physical kiss from opposite or same sex. I am referring to allowing our relationships to be emotional placeholders for our longings and loneliness. As human beings we are designed to love and often we allow our relationships with one another to take the place of our desire for human companionship. While in a party Katy Perry sang, “I don’t even know your name, it doesn’t matter You’re my experimental game, just human nature It’s not what good girls do, not how they should behave My head gets so confused, hard to obey”. How often do we allow our human nature to experiment with human beings?

Outwardly, were friends but inwardly our brothers and sisters become our “companions”. There is nothing wrong with brother and sister relationships however, we must guard our hearts and fight for healthy relationships. Often, we act like we have it all together and we know how to be friends, however; we do not. We are learning how to be true friends in Christ. Our friendships do not just happen they develop. In our developing we must learn how to love one another. Love is patient, kind, it is not jealous, envious and it forgets no account of wrong. How often do we treat our friends/siblings as placeholders for “love” when we should be leaning and depending on God?

Do we call our friends before we consult with God regarding issues? Do we look to our friends to help us escape the loneliness in our hearts? Are we jealous when our friends pay more attention to someone else when we are around? Are we allowing our relationships to prevent us from learning to wait on God?

Katy Perry is not only a victim of sexual perversion. She is also a victim of “I want someone now”. Whether it is physically or emotionally. In Genesis 19:30-38 Lots daughters took it upon themselves to use their father as a placeholder for their husband. The daughters slept with their father and conceived children. They had absolutely no shame for their acts. So much so that they named their children with names that reflected their father. Lots daughters failed to wait on God for their mate. When God is the source of your satisfaction and longings you do not have to depend on your own actions to provide emotional security.

In the past our relationships have been self-centered and a source of our personal completion. In Christ we should be striving to out love each other. When the love of God is your source of motivation in relationships you do not have to “Kiss a girl” because your flesh likes it. God did not design relationships for personal pleasure but instead for Him to teach us how to love. Instead of seeking relationships for your own pleasure pursue God as the source of your joy and happiness. Let us strive daily to out love each other simply because we want to love like God loves and have relationships that are built and sustained on pure motives (Eph 2:19-22).

Eye Candy

So I posted a tweet today that stated the following..@ChristinaFaith: Just rode pass a fly dude my flesh wants to look more but my Spirit keeps me focused and says nahhh no entrance for the enemy!

One of my friends replied “is it that serious Chris? Try thanking God for the eye candy and for the wisdom He gave you to know that’s all it can be for now. sheesh!” Her comment made me think. She asked if it really was that deep and at first I thought in my mind. “Girl you have no idea”. However; at the time I could not articulate why it was so important not to look.

Living a pure life is challenging. Your ability to remain firm increases however; your tolerance decreases.

I thought and pondered my friends comment. I began to think what “EYE CANDY” really is. While at Bible Study tonight Brother Zeke mentioned something about candy and it popped in my mind.

Too much candy can make your teeth rot. For me a little bit of candy can entice my desire for more sugar and that sugar has the ability of spoiling my appetite for the Lord and stopping me from enjoying the incredible joys of my husband.

I realize I don’t want candy. I want a nutritious meal that only the Lord can give me through my husband. So this is my encouragement to you. Stay away from the eye candy. It can rot your teeth (SOUL).


p.s. While looking for photos pertaining to EYE CANDY I primarily found photos of women in seductive poses and clothing….food for thought!

Giving New Life


January 8 Giving New Life

scripture reading:
Romans 6:1–7
key verse:
Romans 6:7

He who has died has been freed from sin.
When the Holy Spirit imparts the gift of eternal life to you, far more has transpired than the mere possession of unending spiritual life. That is because the Holy Spirit brings to every Christian an entirely new quality of life that is divine, supernatural, and godlike.
Through the Holy Spirit, the born–again man or woman can enjoy a new way of living. Since the Holy Spirit allows you to share in the life of Christ, He opens up a radical new lifestyle that is conformed to God’s commands and ways, not to culture.
You must remember that much of worldly behavior and methodology is based on wisdom that is flawed and tainted by sin. The Spirit of God reprograms your mind and transforms your attitude with His wisdom, dramatically altering your habits, rearranging your priorities, and establishing new standards.
At the same time, the Holy Spirit gives you a new power for living; the new lifestyle comes with the power to succeed. You are no longer limited to fighting your problems with your resources. You have God and the fullness of His Spirit to help you and deliver you.
Thank You, Lord, that I am living a new lifestyle. I am not bound by the culture, behavior, or methodology of this world. I do not have to conform, but I can be transformed by Your power!

Charles F. Stanley, Enter His Gates : A Daily Devotional, January 8 (Nashville: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1998).

My Rib Shall Return -+

Daniel Okafor
Prayertry – My Rib Shall Return -+

Sweet Heart I know your out there, I can feel It
My left side is tingling and I know why
God formed you from my side
I can feel it inside

God’s physics will bring us back in HIS perfect Synchronization
It’ll be like old times, we’ll take the Nations

I recognize you in Spirit for within you dwells the Glory of the Eternal ONE
Do you remember now? I am HIS son
He created us as ONE

One Flesh, One Blood, One Flood
Overflowing with Light in the midst of the Night
Remember where we’re from? There was no NIGHT
We could Run, Jump, even take FLIGHT

Don’t fret, No regrets
For the FATHER of LIGHTS never Forgets
He alone, is the one that Sets

Unions and Communions

You and I
King and Queen
Pristine in the Unseen

Unseen to the Natural Eye
He Opens up Spiritual Skys
For You and I

By Now it’s resonating DEEP within you
You feel it, Don’t you

Like two magnets We attract and retract
Back to that which was, is, and will be
You’ll See, I PROMISE you’ll see

Till then I’ll be letting patience have her perfect work
Don’t stress God’s timing is best, it always works


Your Rib Cage

I’ll Always protect you my LOVE -+

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